日期:2021-09-10 10:01



1、京晶老师上午好,请教Henry老师一个发音问题。请问discuss 在字典中标音为/dɪˈskʌs/,而我之前都读作/dɪs'kʌs/。那么按照美国人的发音习惯,是像字典中那样/sk/连在一起读,还是/dɪs/连在一起读。谢谢老师解答,祝好!

2、京晶老师 :我想请教Henry老师几个问题:1. the中的e 什么时候发i:,什么发a? 2. to 中的t 什么时候发t,什么时候发d?有什么规律吗?非常感谢老师。

3、老师们好,最近遇见一道语法填空题,来自2020江苏卷的单选例句,答案给的是whether,是不是用that也可以呢,觉得that, 这句话翻译更加顺畅一些。

It is not a problem whether we can win the battle; it's just a matter of time.


It is not a problem that we can win the battle; it's just a matter of time.







Mike:Oh hey... I wanna ask you about Monica's little "groomy" joke.

Phoebe: Oh! Alright. I think the reason people laugh is that it's a play on the word "roomie."

Mike: I get the joke. Sophisticated as it was. Now the thing I wanna say is... Maybe we should have talked about this before us living together. You're not expecting a proposal... right?

Phoebe: Oh no! No! Not at all. We're just moving in right now. We'll see where it goes.

Mike: Yeah well... that's the thing. For me it's... as far as it can ever go.

Phoebe: What do you mean?

Mike: Look. Phoebe... I... I love you. Very much. But I never want to get married again.

Phoebe: Oh. Wow.

Mike: It's just my first marriage was, y'know, such a disaster. I kinda lost faith in the whole idea.

Phoebe: Was it really that bad?

Mike: At one point near the end she deliberatelydefecated…

Phoebe: OK... well that's bad... But don't you think it might be different with someone else? Perhaps a blonde who always uses a toilet. Except for once in the ocean.

Mike: Look, it's not about who I would marry.

And I was certain the first time I got married it would last forever. And I was totally wrong!

Homework: 本周学习,连读掌握

1、We'll see where it goes.

2、I kinda lost faith in the whole idea.

3、It's not about who I would marry.

Homework: 课堂纠音,上节连读

1、I'm just excited to be living with him.

2、I can picture myself walking down the aisle.

3、I had no idea you were so conventional.
