日期:2021-08-23 04:35



Robot pandas and board shorts: Chinese military launches aircraft carrier clothing line

Aircraft carriers are kind of cool. Anybody who's ever seen "Top Gun" can attest to that. But only a few of the world's navies have the industrial and technological capabilities to build them. In 2017, China's People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) joined that club, launching the Shandong, the country's first domestically designed and built aircraft carrier.

The vessel has since become a symbol of the PLAN's ascent to become the world's largest navy, with modern, powerful and sleek warships joining the fleet at a rapid pace.

Capitalizing on the prominence of the Shandong, the carrier is now getting its own clothing line, a collection of T-shirts, jackets, a cold-weather parka, coveralls and board and basketball shorts, as China tries to increase the military's popularity among young people.

