日期:2021-07-16 11:24


Hi, everyone. And welcome back to your favorite segment Across the Pond with James and Anlan.

Hi everyone.

Hi everyone.

Alright, now moving on to the next question number six,when you say to someone you are entitled to your own point of view. 中文直译就是说你有权保留你自己的观点,或者你有权有自己的观点,这种看法。What do you actually mean in British English, in American English? I think it's both negative, no? Let's start with Anlan.

Yep, that means, to us, I am tired of talking to you because you are so stupid, there's no point and it's a waste of my time to even continue speaking to you.

What, that strong?

It is very strong.

What about Americans?

I feel damn just talking to you now. It's that strong in America too. That's no different.

So you are entitled to your own opinions basically means they really, really really don't agree with you.



Moving on to question number seven. This is very unlikely happening while in the cellar, Cellar就是酒窖地窖, you discover a rare bottle of wine worth in the region£100,000. I don't know why you guys would have a bottle of wine so valuable in your cellar or why will you even have a cellar, but let's just say you accidentally found in your cellar a very, very, very expensive bottle of wine.

What would you do? Let's start with James.

Honey, we are buying a new house.


It's like jackpot and Anlan what would you say.

Sell it, same as James, basically for a wine to be that expensive, then it's obviously collectible, it’s obviously very old and it's probably not even drinkable.

Probably wouldn't taste, it could probably taste only as good as a £100 bottle of wine.


I remember a few years ago, Thomas Jefferson, they kind of sold one of the wines in his collection that was like from two hundred three hundred years ago and yeah, it was sold and I think someone actually opened it and realized it's completely undrinkable.

I think for that is really just the antique value.

Yeah, it's about where it comes from.

Um…, I mean we can always dream.

I want a new house , that's a good dream.

And question number eight, you invite a guest, this is supposedly at your home. You have a bunch of friends over, you invite a guest to change the TV to whatever channel you like. They change it to, ok, this I have to separate into British and American version, so for Anlan they change it to American football就是橄榄球, and for James, they've changed it into soccer足球, what would you do in that situation? Let's start with Anlan.

That's not football, what is this sport? why are they all wearing helmets and all this protection and armor.

So they can hit as hard as possible.

Isn't American football a bit like rugby?

Rugby doesn't have things like helmets and protection. It's just two teams punching each other in a field in a muddy field. Very fun.

What about James if they switch the TV channel to soccer?

What are they doing? Why are they running? Why is nothing happening?

I mean in America you guys do have soccer teams, right? Even though it's not that popular.

Yeah, there is professional soccer in the US, we have a national team that just be Mexico which is good, I guess.

But nobody watches it.

Oh, my mother like a huge soccer fan, he goes to matches all the time. It's becoming more popular for the younger generations, but it's not really that popular you know.

Oh…I think this has become like a running joke because Americans don't really see what's the point of football because for the 90minute, or even more than 90minutes, it's probably like 2:1, what are the scores like in American football.

Can be like seven in near 24 to 14, things like that.

I see, I see. Okay, let's go on to the last question. The last question is you know before we talked about when someone accidentally call you by the wrong name like Steve Dave thing, this is what happened when you call someone by a wrong name or you mispronounce their name.

For example, you know me, you know my Chinese name, but if you cannot pronounce it correctly, you know it, but you just cannot pronounce it correctly. And I keep correcting you every time you pronounce my name, I would say, sorry, that's not the way to pronounce my name. You should do it like this way, but you just can't , in that situation, what would you do? Let's have James.

I want to just call you such and such nick name, because I can't remember that, I'm never gonna say it properly, sorry.

Oh, so you would actually not even try?

Yeah, a lot of Americans have real difficulty with names, especially names that are like not of Anglo origin or even just western European origin, so yeah, a lot of times it's like I can't pronounce it. I'm sorry, I'm gonna just call you Bob.

Why is it always Bob with you, James? What about Anlan.

Well, to be honest, that's really common, especially where I come from because there's so many people from different countries have different names like when I was at school, probably half of my friends didn't have what we call it English names, English first names. And generally what you would do is quite a few the common ones you will get to know but you probably still mispronounce them. But we would just, as James were saying, just made them into nick names.

Would these people actually try to have a… if they live in English speaking countries, would they try to shorten their name or have like a...perhaps…

Usually yeah.

Yeah, normally like nicknames, like for example Indian friends, one was called Ammolinda but no one could pronounce his name correctly, so I would call him Ammo.

Ammo, the reason why I'm asking this question is because when I was, for example living in the UK and because my Chinese name has certain parts that's difficult to pronounce for English speakers. I don't like when people mispronounce my name, I really hate that.

So Lulu is sort of …it's a pet name, it’s not really my English name I would say. So Lulu I find to be easily pronounceable by everyone even though it doesn't sound very formal. OK, so on that note, I think we're gonna wrap up here for those of you who are listening to this show, I hope you enjoyed it and leave us a comment with your response in some of these situations. Let us know your answers.

Are you more British or are you more American.

Or you're just Chinese or you're just weird.

Although weird, I’m weird.

Alright, on that note, thank you James, thank you Anlan for coming to the studio.

Thank you for having me.

Thanks a lot.

We'll see you next time.

Bye bye.
