日期:2021-07-02 05:10



European Union enshrines net zero and emissions targets into law


The European Council adopted a climate change law that legally obliges its 27 nations to collectively slash greenhouse emissions by 55% by 2030 — from 1990 levels — and to become anet-zero-emissions economy by 2050.

欧洲理事会通过了气候变化法案,从法律层面要求27个成员国在2030年前将温室气体排放量削减为1990年的55%,并在 2050 年之前成为净零排放经济体。

The European Union and several other nations increased pledges to cut greenhouse gases and reach carbon neutrality at a virtual climate change summit hosted by US President Joe Biden in April. But there have been concerns over whether world leaders would win the backings of their parliaments to actually enshrine the pledges into law.

