英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第1272期:菲比一见钟情
日期:2021-03-24 06:16



1、Henry老师您好,最近听tough love这首歌里面有一句His doe-eyed little girl with gentle point of view. 这里面的gentle发音感觉有点奇怪,t的发音变成了浊辅音ʒ(ps:如果我没听错的话)但绝对不是t的音,我试着翻了一下之前连读技巧的笔记,也看了一下gentle的词源,都还是没能理解,希望老师能帮忙解答一下,因为是迪士尼官方的音乐剧,发音应该是很正宗,里面有些连读让我很兴奋,所以才会注意到这个问题,拜托老师了。

2、尊敬的京晶老师和Henry老师:terrified,panic, scared , affraid ,horrible 都是常用的表示害怕的词语,生活中哪些用的多,使用场合有没有不同?另外,《大卫不可以》这本绘本里面有一页是大卫挖鼻孔时妈妈说的话: Stop that this instant.请问这里的this代表什么意思,可以说成stop that instantly吗?谢谢老师


4、我有一个发音问题请问Henry老师,关于pre中的字母e 的发音,我发现有的时候发/i/,有的时候发/ɪ/,比如premature、prehistorical发/i/的音、而prefer、prevail,precise、preliminary就发/ɪ/的音,另外还有report 发/ɪ/,而reaction 发/i/,请问有什么规律吗,谢谢老师!






Monica:Okay, now this one is rare, this one is medium well! Now go–go–go! Hey Phoebe! Hey how was dinner?

Phoebe: Dinner was good! I'm just saying hi! Now I'm gonna go! Oh, well hello there.

Guy: Hi.

Phoebe:I didn't see this on the menu.

Monica: Uh Tim? This is Phoebe. Phoebe this is Tim, my new sous chef.

Phoebe: Oh, so you're Monica's boss?

Tim: Actually she's my–my boss. Sous is French for under.

Phoebe: Oh! I sous stand.

Monica: Hey Tim? I need a calamari and aCaesar salad. And umm, could you get me the pesto?

Tim:I like your necklace.

Phoebe: I made it myself.

Monica: All right, all right! Let's just cut to the chase, Okay? You're single. You're single. He gets off work at eleven. She'll be waiting for your call. I'll give him your number if I can get one calamari and one Caesar salad! I did not yell. I am not putting a dollar in the jar.

Homework: 本周学习,连读掌握

1、Could you get me the pesto?

2、Let's just cut to the chase

3、He gets off work at eleven.

Homework: 课堂纠音,上节连读

1、I don't believe we've met.

2、You've just been bumped up to table one.

3、If it's all right with you.
