Voice 2: Doctors say that smoking while pregnant can have tragic results. Smoking while pregnant can cause a baby to be born early. The baby may be born too early to survive. This is a miscarriage. If the baby does survive, he may suffer many health problems. Or, a baby may be born at the right time, but he may just be too small to be healthy.
声音2:医生表示,怀孕期间吸烟会带来不幸的结果 。怀孕期间吸烟会导致婴儿早产 。婴儿可能会过早出生,以致无法存活 。这是流产 。即使婴儿能够存活下来,也可能会出现很多健康问题 。或者,婴儿可能在正常的时间出生,但可能因为过小而不健康 。
Voice 1: A baby's survival depends mainly on his weight at birth — his birthweight. Low-birthweight babies weigh less than two thousand five hundred grams. The WHO says that cigarette smoking has a direct influence on how much a newborn baby will weigh. So, larger babies have a better chance at being healthy. The March of Dimes says that smoking nearly doubles a woman's risk of having a low-birthweight baby. Many people know that smoking is dangerous for adults. But smoking also affects unborn babies.
声音1:婴儿能否存活主要取决于其出生时的体重,也就是出生体重 。低出生体重儿的体重不足2500克 。世界卫生组织表示,吸烟对新生儿的体重有直接影响 。因此,体重较大的婴儿有更好的机会保持健康 。畸形儿基金会表示,吸烟几乎会使女性生下低出生体重儿的风险增加一倍 。许多人知道吸烟对成年人构成危险 。但吸烟也会影响未出生的婴儿 。