探索频道纪录片(MP3+中英字幕) 第15期:抢救切尔诺贝利(15)
日期:2021-01-21 11:32


It was hot, hot, hot, and we had to work really fast. At a crazy pace. Faster and faster. That was the hardest. Go, go, go.

里头热死人了 我们得快速工作 加紧脚步动作要非常快 这真的很痛苦 不停地工作

Battalions of 30 miners relay each other every three hours, 24 hours a day.

30名矿工每3小时换班一次 全日无休24

In one month and four days, they dig a 150-meter tunnel, a job that in a mine would have normally taken three months.

他们在1个月又4天内挖了150公尺长的地道 这是一般矿区3个月的工作量

The most dangerous places weren't underground. There wasn't as much radiation below the reactor.

最危险的区域不在地下 反应炉下方的辐射并不高

But as soon as we came up, we had to run even faster.


Radioactivity at the mouth of the tunnel is three hundred times higher. Not a single miner is spared from exposure.

地道口的辐射量高达300倍 所有矿工都逃不过辐射


Not once are they informed of the real dangers they are facing. Someone had to go and do it. Us or someone else.

他们不曾被告知所面对的危险 总得有人去做这件事 不是我们就是别人

We did our duty. Should we have done it? It's too late to judge. I don't regret anything.

我们尽了自已的责任 我们应不应该这样做?现在来评断都太晚了 我一点也不后悔

The miners accomplish their mission, but the cooling system is never set up below the reactor.

矿工们达成了任务 但是反应炉下方一直没有装置冷却系统

The underground room is finally filled with cement to solidify the structure.


The official position is that each miner received 30 to 60 roentgens, but survivors claim they received up to 5 times that amount.

官方宣称每名矿工吸收了30到60伦琴 但是幸存者表示他们的吸收量是此值的5倍

It is estimated that a fourth of these men died before the age of 40. 2,500 lives lost that don't appear in any official statistic.

根据估计有1/4矿工在40岁前死亡 官方统计资料并没有列入这2500位死者

While the miners are still digging below the reactor. Hans Blix with Soviet authorities organises a press conference in Moscow.

当矿工还在反应炉下方挖掘时 布利克斯与苏联当局在莫斯科举办了记者会
