探索频道纪录片(MP3+中英字幕) 第11期:抢救切尔诺贝利(11)
日期:2021-01-17 11:28


Meanwhile, the radioactive cloud continues to drift over Europe. It floats over Bavaria and Northern Italy.

这时放射性云层持续飘向欧洲上空 云层飘到巴伐利亚与北意大利上空

Radioactive Cesium 137 and lodine 131 rain down on the south of France and Corsica. Crops and pastures are seriously contaminated.

放射性铯137与碘131 在法国南部与科西嘉倾盆而下 作物与牧草遭到严重污染

While French authorities deny its presence, the cloud reaches Great Britain and spreads into Greece.

法国当局否认遭到云层污染 云层则已经抵达英国并且扩散到希腊

In Chernobyl the level of radioactivity continues to climb. 6000 tons of sand and boric acid have filled the hole.

在切尔诺贝利 放射量持续攀升 裂口被6千吨的沙与硼酸填满

But underneath this gigantic plug, the white-hot magma continues to smolder.

但是在这个巨大的堵塞口下方 高热岩浆持续闷烧中

10 days after the disaster, Gorbatchev personally invites Hans Blix, director of the powerful International Atomic Energy Agency, to visit the site.

灾变发生后10天 戈尔巴乔夫私下邀请权威的国际原子能总署署长布利克斯前来视察现场

He is the first expert - and first Westerner - to visit Chernobyl.


Well, we have seen the sight from the air, and we have seen that a little smoke still coming up from the damage.


They was a good deal of talk about the risk of a second explosion.


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I remember that, when we were in Moscow, actually we had a friend, a relative of one of my experts, phone and said that we have rumor that second reactor might also explode.

我还记得在莫斯科的时候 有个朋友 我其中一个专家的亲戚来电 他说传说还有第二个反应炉会爆炸

At the bottom of the reactor, 195 tons of nuclear fuel are still burning, giving off incredible heat that is gradually melting the sand.

在反应炉底部还有195吨的核燃料在燃烧 产生的惊人热气逐渐熔化了沙子

On the surface of the plug, cracks begin to appear. Once we plugged up the hole, the temperature started to rise.

堵塞口表面开始出现裂痕 我们把洞口塞住后温度开始升高

We were afraid because it could have caused another explosion. It was terrifying.

我们很担心因为这可能引发另一次爆炸 非常骇人

Scientists came to take readings. They were very worried.

科学家前往测量读数 他们忧心忡忡

They were afraid the critical temperature would be reached and it would set off a second explosion. That would have been a terrible tragedy.

他们担心会抵达临界温度而引发第二次爆炸 这将造成严重的悲剧

The cement slab below the reactor core is heating up and in danger of cracking. The magma is threatening to seep through.

反应炉核心下方的水泥板逐渐加热 并且可能裂开 岩浆有往下渗透的危险

The water the firemen poured during the first hours of the disaster has pooled below the slab.


If the radioactive magma makes contact with the water, it could set off a second explosion even more devastating than the first.

如果放射性岩浆接触到水 将引发比第一次爆炸更具毁灭性的爆炸
