日期:2020-12-13 19:57



Viktor Frankl was put through some of the most horrific struggles a human being could imagine. But he never lost hope, and used his experiences to continue his work helping other people find meaning in their lives. Frankl's story is one of strength, of hope, and of a man who made an impact on the world. Let's dive into it ...
Early Life
In 1905, Viktor Frankl was born the middle child of a Jewish family in Vienna. His parents were government employees, and the family was comfortable. Then World War I hit. Like so many other families of that time, the Frankls had to contend with bitter poverty. He and his siblings even had to go from farm to farm begging for food as the war progressed.
As a young child, Frankl showed interest and aptitude in the medical profession. At only three years old he wanted to be a doctor. Then, at four years old he had the realization every human has to go through - that one day, he would die. Still a toddler, Frankl's life work had already started to take shape.
By the time he was in high school, Frankl was already studying psychology and philosophy. He even gave a speech called "On the Meaning of Life" in 1921, two years before his graduation. And when he had to write a final paper for graduation, what else would he write it on but the psychology of philosophical thought?
By the time he turned twenty, he had already been in touch with Dr.Sigmund Freud. Frankl wrote Freud a letter and included a copy of one of his own papers in it. More impressively, the famous doctor then requested that Frankl allow him to publish one of the papers Frankl had written. Later, recalling the incident, Frankl still sounded like he still couldn't believe the incident even after decades of building up his own career. "Can you imagine? Would a 16-year-old mind if Sigmund Freud asked to have a paper he wrote published?"
Nearly three years after that correspondence, Frankl was walking in a park in Vienna and encountered a man who looked familiar. Frankl went up to him, and asked if he was Sigmund Freud ... he was. And when Frankl began to introduce himself ... Freud recited Frankl's address to him. Freud had been so impressed by Frankl that even as the years passed, he never forgot the letter he received from the young man.




Apart from psychology, Frankl also spent his high school years immersed in politics. He began his involvement with the Young Socialist Workers as a teen, and even rose to become President of the organization in 1924.
With a string of accomplishments in the field of psychology already achieved during his teen years, Frankl headed to the University of Vienna to formally study his chosen fields of neurology and psychiatry. Initially, he based his studies in the theories and ideas that Sigmund Freud had advanced, but over time he began moving more towards Alfred Adler's ideas. Even after moving from Freud's ideas, Frankl kept a bust of the preeminent Viennese psychoanalyst in his office. Freud developed psychoanalysis, Adler added to that with the development of the inferiority complex, and Frankl become the third of these giants of psychology in Vienna as he developed a search for meaning called logotherapy as a key part of the study of the human psyche.
But before he became a world-renowned psychiatrist, Frankl was making a difference much closer to home. As a student he began actively putting into practice what he was learning and the theories he was developing. Moving beyond just academic interest in the human psyche, Frankl was able to literally save lives. During his time as a medical student, Frankl noticed a disturbing trend among students in Austrian high schools. When grades were reported at the end of the school term, there was a spike in suicides. Frankl spearheaded an initiative to provide free counseling to students, with an emphasis on helping them at the end of the school term. Incredibly, the first year that Frankl's program was implemented was also the first time in recent memory that there were no student suicides in Vienna.
With proven success in suicide prevention, Frankl moved on to become head of the Vienna Psychiatric Hospital's female suicide prevention program. From 1933 to 1937, he worked with thousands of women who were in danger of committing suicide. Then, in 1937 he opened his own private practice. But a year later, Frankl's world was uprooted.
