BBC纪录片《文明》第8集 第21期:不仅仅是美学
日期:2020-10-19 12:54


What made this picture particularly shocking and revolutionary were the images Picasso combined within it.


The faces of the three women to the left are believed to be derived from archaic Iberian sculpture.


But the two women on the right, their fractured, irregular,distorted faces are based on the art of Africa,on tribal African masks that Picasso had encountered in Paris.

而右边的两个女人 她们断裂的 不规则的扭曲的脸则源于非洲艺术 源于毕加索在巴黎看到的非洲部落的面具

Now, there's a long debate about the extent to which Picasso was influenced by African art,and he muddied the waters considerably by making a series of completely contradictory statements.

毕加索到底在多大程度上受到非洲艺术的影响 一直饱受争议 而他通过一系列自相矛盾的言论 愈发地混淆了试听

But you can see that Picasso,consciously and subconsciously,by using African art,was bringing into his paintings ideas about Africa that were current in Europe at the time.

但是你可以看到 毕加索 不管是有意识地 还是无意识地通过非洲艺术将当时在欧洲流行的 关于非洲的想法 带入他的画作之中


He was a product of his time, like anybody else,and he lived in an age when Africa was the focus of huge amounts of speculation and debate about the meaning of savagery and civilisation,of us and them, ideas about race,ideas about exoticism, ideas about eroticism.

和其他任何人一样 他也是时代的产物 在他生活的时代 人们聚焦非洲 大量地猜测和争论 野蛮和文明的意义关于我们和他们 对于种族的想法 对于异国情调的想法 对于色情的想法

So by placing the faces of African masks onto prostitutes,Picasso was detonating two powerful sets of ideas about race and savagery, civilisation, empire,with older ideas about female sexuality and prostitution.

所以 通过把非洲面具 画在妓女脸上 毕加索触发了两套有力的观念 对于种族和野蛮 文明和帝国的观念以及对于女性和卖淫的旧观念

In one painting, Picasso had turned Western ideas about art on their head.

在一幅画中 毕加索将西方对于艺术的观念 画在了她们头上

He sought to express not simply aesthetic beauty, but frightening,primal feelings about sex, violence and even death.

他想要表达的 不仅仅是美学上的美丽 还有可怕的 关于性 暴力 甚至是死亡的原始感觉

And that worked partly because of the masks' associations in the minds of those who first saw this painting with civilisations they considered primitive.

这样的手法之所以能够成功 部分是因为 那些第一次看到这幅画的人会在脑海中将面具和他们所认为的原始文明联系起来

It was the apparent threat of these objects that made them so shocking,and the perceived barbarism of the cultures that produced them,which reinforced the assumed superiority of European culture.

正是这些东西显而易见的威胁感 使它们看上去如此令人震惊 而我们感受到的其背后文化的野蛮感 增强了人们对于欧洲文化所谓优越性的认同
