第72期 Love is Gone
日期:2020-09-03 12:10


声音简介:Love is Gone--这首歌听第一句鸡皮疙瘩就起来了。

【节目的中英文全文可以关注微信公众号Zoey八点英语 回复 love 获取】


I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me


I know that your love is gone


I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy


Don't tell me that your love is gone


Apparently this is about a breakup story. But SLANDER says they didn’t focus too much on the lyrics, instead they simply want to impress listeners by the melody.

Most of their initial inspiration comes from the vocals themselves, but for“Love Is Gone,”in particular,they just wanted to write the saddest piano piece they had ever written, then the vocal came second. Their rule for the emotional records is that if it doesn’t make us cry, it’s not done yet.They just really let the emotions and feeling guide them.

