Hello! I'm Emma from mmmEnglish!
Welcome back to another lesson about confusing English verbs
because some English verbs are quite similar
and sometimes it's hard to know which one is the right one to use.
所以有时候,我们很难知道到底该用哪个 。
Last week, I talked about the verbs, been and gone.
上周,我讨论了动词been和gone 。
In this lesson, I'll be talking about the verbs 'to lend' and 'to borrow'.
这节课,我要讨论的是动词“to lend”和“to borrow” 。
And they're confusing
because the meanings happen to be very similar
but different.
但是却存在差异 。
But don't worry, in this lesson,
I'll be sharing some tips
to help you use these verbs correctly
and remember which one is the correct one to use.
并且记住哪个才是正确的 。
Just like the difference between been and gone,
the main difference between 'to lend' and 'to borrow'
“to lend”和“to borrow”的主要差异
is the direction of the action.
也在于动作的方向 。
Okay, so what do these verbs actually mean?
'To lend' means to give something to someone for a short period of time
“to lend”的意思是把某个东西短暂地给某人
and you expect to get it back again.
而且你会期待对方会还回来 。
I'll lend you some money when I get paid.
我拿到工资时会借你一些钱 。(I'll lend you some money when I get paid.)
He lent his car to a friend for the weekend.
他把车借给一个朋友周末开 。(He lent his car to a friend for the weekend.)
It's important to note that with this verb,
there is a difference between British and American English.
英式英语和美式英语会存在差异 。
Lend is used in British English
and instead, loan is used in American English.
而美式英语中用loan 。
Now, lend is an irregular verb
so the past tense form becomes lent.
所以它的过去式是lent 。
Loan is a regular verb so it becomes loaned in the past tense.
loan是规则动词,所以它的过去式是loaned 。
Can you lend me some money?
你能借给我一些钱吗?(Can you lend me some money?)
Can you loan me some money?
你能借给我一些钱吗?(Can you loan me some money?)
Both of these sentences are the same.
这两个句子是一样的 。
Okay, so lend means to give something to someone for a short period of time
and you can expect it back again.
而且你会期待对方会把东西还给你 。
Now, when we use borrow, we simply need to switch the action to the person who is receiving the item.
现在,我们使用borrow的时候,我们只需要将动作转移到接收东西的人身上 。
'To borrow' means to get something from someone
“to borrow”的意思是,从某人那里得到某物,
with the intention of giving it back.
而且打算还给对方 。
You don't plan to keep it
and the person who gave it to you expects to receive it back again.
给你东西的那个人也期望你能还回去 。
Now, borrow is a regular past tense verb so we just need to add -ed to make it borrowed in the past tense.
borrow是一个规则动词,所以它的过去式只需要直接加上-ed,即过去式是borrowed 。
Right, so let me show you.
好了,让我们来看看吧 。
Lend is similar to give.
lend和give相似 。
And borrow is similar to take or receive.
borrow和take或者receive相似 。
But both of these verbs mean
that the action only happens for a short period of time.
动作发生在短期内 。
Let's take a closer look.
让我们再来仔细看一下 。
Can you lend me your car for the weekend?
这周末,你能把车借我开吗?(Can you lend me your car for the weekend?)
Can I borrow your car for the weekend?
这周末,我能向你借车开吗?(Can I borrow your car for the weekend?)
These two sentences are describing exactly the same situation
这两个句子描述的情况完全相同 。
but from a different perspective.
但是角度不同 。
The subject, so the person who is doing the action, is different in each sentence
两个句子中的主语,也就是做动作的人,是不同的 。
so the verb must be different too.
所以句子的动词也就不同 。
You can't say "Can I lend me your car for the weekend?"
你不可以说“Can I lend me your car for the weekend?”
Because the car is not mine
so I can't lend the car to me
or to anyone else for that matter.
同样也不能借给其他人 。
You can only lend something if it belongs to you.
你只能借出某样东西,如果这个东西属于你 。
You also can't say, "Can you borrow me your car?"
你也不能说,“Can you borrow me your car?”
And this is a really common mistake.
这真是一个常见的错误 。
The person who owns the car cannot borrow it.
拥有这辆车的人不能借用它 。
Getting the information about who's giving and who's taking something is really important when you're using these verbs.