Hello again! And welcome back to LULU'S HAPPY HOUR. 欢迎你又回到璐璐的小酒馆。
Tomorrow is Mother's Day in some countries in the world, now including China. You're going to see a lot of advertisements about Mother's Day gifts, flowers. You're going to see a lot of programs trying to discuss the history, the ritual and customs of Mother's Day. But today, in this program, we are not going to focus on the history or the many stories relating to Mother's Day. Instead, we're going to talk about mothers. 明天就是母亲节了,璐璐在小酒馆里和你一起聊聊,那个我们最熟悉的人-妈妈。
For most people, if not all, mother is the most important person in our life. Even if it's not biological mother, it could also be a mother figure, someone who taught us how to love, how to face difficulties and challenges in life, how to pick ourselves up from the ground when we fall. So in today's episode, we're going to look at some famous quotes about our dearest mother, the good moments and the bad moments, and also about being a mother. And we're gonna finish off with some greetings for mothers on Mother's Day.
So first of all, about how we see our mothers, a famous writer Rudyard Kipling said, "God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers."
God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers. 因为神无法随时随地无处不在,所以他创造了母亲。Being a mother, usually means they are always there for us. No matter what happens in our lives, you can always go to them. You can always talk to them and count on them.
A famous American singer song writer Alicia Keys said, "My mother is definitely my rock."
My mother is definitely my rock. Being someone's rock means being their strongest support that you're never going to disappoint them. You're always, always there for them. And I believe a lot of us would see our mothers as the rock, our rock in life. Someone you can always count on.
Another famous American actress Mandy Moore, Mandy Moore is the mother in the very moving TV show"This is us", she said, "My mum has always been my support system. She taught me to never give up and to keep pursuing my passions no matter what."
My mum has always been my support system. She taught me to never give up and to keep pursuing my passions no matter what 我的母亲给了我极大的支持,是她教会了我无论任何情况下都要奋力追求自己的热情和梦想,永不放弃。And it seems one of the most important lessons given to us by our mothers is often "keep going on" "never give up".
Here like someone else said, the most inspiring piece of advice I've gotten is simply to persevere. "Persevere" means to carry on, to not give up. My mum taught me to always keep going no matter what from an early age. When it feels too difficult to push forward, I always remind myself, this too shall pass and then I re-double my efforts. 对我来说,最鼓舞我的一句话就是:坚持下去。从很小的时候我的母亲就告诉我,无论如何都要坚持向前,当我觉得前路艰难的时候,我都会告诉自己,这一切都会过去,然后加倍努力前行。When it feels too difficult to push forward, I always remind myself, this too shall pass and then I re-double my efforts.
Another thing about mums is that they're the ones who take such pride in their children and they believe in their children's abilities to achieve anything.
The famous painter Picasso said, "My mother said to me if you're a soldier, you'll become a general; if you're a monk, you'll become the pope. Instead, I was a painter and became Picasso." 我母亲告诉我,如果你选择参军,你就能做到将军;如果做天主教修士,你就能做到教皇;我选择了画画,于是成为了毕加索。Such a proud quote! And this pride largely comes from his mother. Mother can be a listener, can be a support system and can also be a role model who leads by an example. Of course it's not always love and kisses with our mum. We may disagree with our mothers sometimes. We may even find them difficult sometimes.
For instance, a famous writer said, "sweater and now". It means garment worn by child when his mother is feeling chilly. 毛衣这种东西,就是你妈妈觉得冷的时候叫你穿上的这种衣服。It's a bit like in Chinese we say “有一种冷叫你妈觉得你冷”。It seems that all around the world, mums are alike.
Another famous writer JD Sallinger (Jerome David Salinger) one who wrote "The Catcher in the Rye"《麦田里的守望者》said, "Mothers are all slightly insane". So they're all a bit crazy.
Mark Tween said "My mother had a great deal of trouble with me but I think she enjoyed it." 我妈和我之间总是闹矛盾,不过我觉得她也挺喜欢这些矛盾的。My mother had a great deal of trouble with me but I think she enjoyed it.
The very famous basketball player LeBron James said, "My mum and I have always been there for each other. We have some tough times but she was always there for me."
I think this probably describes a lot of us,our relationship with our mothers. My mum and I have always been there for each other, always been there for each other. 我母亲和我一直都支持着、守护着对方。We had some tough times but she was always there for me. 我们的关系也会有不好的时候,但她一直都是我的坚强后盾。
And I believe a lot of our listeners are mothers themselves. Lately, I've read some sayings about the term "working mother". In English working mothers means mothers who have a job, have a career. I suppose to stay-at-home mums.But someone just said all mothers are working mothers because being a mum is a full time job.
And another person said, the term "working mother" is redundant. Working mother这个词本来就是多余的,because even if you're a stay-at-home mum, that is still a full time job.
Award winning actress Meryl Streep said, "Motherhood has a very humanizing effect. Everything gets reduced to essentials."
Motherhood has a very humanizing effect. 当你成为母亲,你会变得更加仁慈博爱,更加有人性的光辉。Everything gets reduced to essentials。人世间的一切事物都还原到极简本真的状态。
As we're coming to the end of today's show, what would you like to say to your mother on Mother's Day. Here are some of the common greetings. And I'm sure you will agree with some of them.
Words are never enough to thank you for all that you do.
Words are never enough to thank you for all that you do.
Or some people would say,
Wishing you time, just to dream, just to relax, just to enjoy.
And still some other people would say, wishing you a day as special as you are.
For those of you who have sadly lost your mothers, don't forget a mother's hug lasts long after she lets go. 即使母亲去到很远的地方,她的怀抱也会永远环绕着我们。A mother's hug lasts long after she lets go.
So on the eve of Mothers' Day, 在母亲节的前夜 no matter if you're feeling thankful for all your mother has done for you, or if you're missing your mother who is far, far away or if you are devoted mother yourself, have a very happy Mother's Day!
I hope you enjoy today's program. I'll see you next time.