英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第1167期:让一切顺其自然
日期:2020-06-28 15:02


Verse 1

When^ I find myself^ in times^ of trouble

Mother Mary comesto me

Speaking words^ ofwisdom,let^ it be

And^ in my hour ^ofdarkness

She is standingright^ in front^ of me

Speaking words^ ofwisdom, let^ it be


Let^ it be, let^ it be

Let^ it be, let^ it be

Whisper words^ ofwisdom, let^ it be

Verse 2

And when the broken heartedpeople

Living in theworld^ agree

There will be an ^answer,let^ it be

For though theymay be parted

There^ is still^ a chance thatthey will see

There will be an^answer, let^ it be


Let^ it be, let^ it be

Let^ it be, let^ it be

Whisper words^ ofwisdom, let^ it be

Verse 3

And when the night^ is cloudy

There^ is still^ alight that shines^on me

Shine^ untiltomorrow, let^ it be

I wake^ up to thesound^ of music

Mother Mary comesto me

Speaking words^ ofwisdom, let^ itbe


Let^ it be, let^ it be

Let^ it be, let^ it be

Whisper words^ ofwisdom, let^ it be
