日期:2020-03-04 08:54



In arguments, in discussions, perfectionists are defensive.
在争论和讨论中 完美主义者都有自卫性
Why? Because a criticism is by definition a deviation from a straight line.
为什么 因为批评在定义上就是一种对于完美的直线方式的偏离
It's imperfection. It's a daint. It's something that maybe I'm not doing perfectly well.
这就是不完美 是一种挑刺 就是我没做得完美的事情
And we don't like deviations from a schema we have.
Remember, the mind doesn't like when there is an inconsistency between what is inside and what is outside.
记住了 我们的心是不喜欢内在与外在之间的脱节的
We want there to be a balance, congruence. We don't like desinence.
我们需要的是平衡 一致 我们不喜欢横生枝节
And if what we have in mind is the perfecionist schema, the criticism is a deviation from it.
而如果我们心中抱有的是完美主义基模 而批评又是对其的偏离
And then we become defensive.

Again, something that I experience numerously times; something that I'm working on constantly.
这是我多次有所感受的 并且也是我一直在努力解决的
In addition, or in constrast, a person committed to excellence is open,
附带一提 或者说是正好相反 一个追求卓越的人是心胸开阔的
is welcoming of suggestions and criticisms at times.
It doesn't mean that he or she enjoys it, but he or she understands that it's necessary,
这不是说他或者她喜欢这样 而是他或她明白这是必要的
that it's an important part of growth, of development.
Perfectionist focuses on the half empty part of the glass.
Why? Because a perfectionist is obssessed by failure, obssessed by deviations from that straight narrow.
为什么 因为完美主义者为失败所困扰 被对直线完美方式的偏离所困扰
And whatever it is, what are obssessed with by definition is what we constantly focus on.
而不管是什么 困扰我们的 就是我们所关注的
So he or she constantly fosues on what is not working, on potential failures or actual failures.
他或她一直关注未能达成的东西 关注潜在的可能失败或者是真正的失败



