4. Aerophobia, aka so how long will it take to get from California to Tokyo by car.
4. 高空恐惧症,从加利福尼亚到东京要多久?开车去的那种 。
Aerophobia refers to the fear of flying and it affects around 10 to 40% of American adults.
高空恐惧症,害怕飞行,10%到40%的美国成年人受其影响 。
Are you thinking right now? Sure, humans don't fly naturally so fear of flying is understandable.
你现在在想什么?当然,人类天生不会飞行,所以害怕飞行是可以理解的 。
Well, while that's true. Aerophobia is actually logically irrational, given that airplane accidents are so rare.
没错 。鉴于飞机事故非常罕见,所以高空恐惧症在逻辑上其实是非理性的 。
Statistics report that traveling by plane is actually much safer than traveling by car.
数据报告称其实飞机旅行比乘车旅行更加安全 。
Nonetheless people with aerophobia avoid flights as much as they can
which can be problematic for work requirements or long-distance relationships.
这可能会给工作要求或异地恋带来问题 。
5. Cynophobia. Did you say puppies? I think you pronounced demon hound wrong.
5. 恐犬病 。你是说狗狗吗?我想你说的恶魔猎犬吧 。
Puppy is doggo's happy wagging tails and those soulful eyes and those sharp pointy teeth, would they're scary sheen.
小狗狗是快乐摇摆的尾巴和那些深情的眼睛和尖锐的牙齿 。
Wait, what? Let us remember again that phobias are by definition irrational.
等等,什么?再说一次,恐惧症的定义是非理性的 。
The fear of dogs official name cynophobia may be less common than the fear of snakes and spiders
however, it can be just as if not more debilitating.
然而,它也可能使人更加害怕 。
Just consider how many pets and streets dogs are present in any given neighborhood.
只要想想在任何一个社区有多少宠物和流浪狗就知道了 。
That kind of prevalence makes it virtually impossible to avoid them completely,
unfortunately, this means cynophobia experienced intense and frequent dread anxiety and even panic
不幸的是,这意味着恐犬症经历了强烈而频繁的恐惧、焦虑甚至恐慌 。
Cynophobia could be caused by a traumatic childhood experience such as being chased or bitten by a dog
that was never addressed or otherwise fully resolved.
这个问题从未得到解决,也没有得到全面解决 。
Getting proper help and following professional therapy advice
could not only make day-to-day life more livable but allow you to revel in the wonderful world of dogs.
不仅可以使日常生活更舒适,还可以让你陶醉在狗的美妙世界 。
6. Trypanphobia. Would it be possible for me to take all my vaccinations in pill form?
6. 晕针症 。我能不能把接种换成药片形式的?
Next step we have trypanphobia the fear of injections.
晕针症就是害怕打针 。
Never seen the huge strong sports guy break out into unprovoked tears when it was his turn to get vaccinated at school
or seen the undisputed tough girl pass out when being asked to donate blood? Maybe they have Trypanphobia.
也没看过一个坚强的女孩被要求献血时晕倒 。或许他们患有晕针症 。
While it's normal to be afraid of injections as children,
statistics report that the fear persists in approximately 20 to 30 percent of adults escalating to become trypanphobia.
据统计,大约有20%到30%的成年人仍然有这种恐惧,并逐渐发展成锥虫恐惧症 。
Trypanphobia, a phobic stringently avoid medical treatments, hospitals and doctors.
晕针症是一种严重回避医疗、医院和医生的恐惧症 。
As you can imagine this is incredibly risky to their health, how bad can it be, you ask,
well, the fear can be so intense that most would faint at the mere sight of a needle.
这种恐惧是如此强烈,以至于大多数人一看到针就会晕倒 。
An interesting bit of trivia, trypanphobia is the only kind of specific phobia that is found to run in families.
有趣的是,晕针症是唯一一种家族遗传的特殊恐惧症 。
And 7. Mysophobia.
7. 不洁恐惧 。
Antibacterial hand gel? Check. Gloves? Check. Hazmat suit? Check. Maybe I need a bubble.
抗菌手胶?有 。手套?有 。防护服?有 。也许我需要一个透明圆形罩 。
Lastly, another common phobia shared by many
and even some well-known celebrities is mysophobia better known as the fear of germs.
甚至很多名人都有的恐惧症是不洁恐惧—害怕细菌 。
The term was first coined in 1879 by psychologist William Hammond who believed that mysophobia was a symptom of OCD.
这个词最早出现于1879年,是由心理学家威廉·哈蒙德提出的,他认为,不洁恐惧是强迫症的一种症状 。
This is since been debunked by the discovery that most people who have mysophobia aren't actually OCD.
这已经被一项发现所揭穿了,那就是大多数患有不洁恐惧的人实际上并不是强迫症 。
Mysophobia can manifest as excessive cleaning, compulsive hand washing and extreme avoidance of bacteria and germs
不洁恐惧可以使过度清洁、强制性吸收或是对细菌的过度避免 。
such as frequent or constant use of gloves, face masks and other perceived germ blocking attire.
比如经常性的使用手头、面罩和其他阻隔细菌的物品 。
In extreme cases, mysophobia can cause people to become shut-ins,
cutting themselves off from the outside world for fear of being contaminated.
使他们因为害怕被污染而切断与外界的联系 。
So in the end, where do phobias come from? Well, according to the American Psychological Association,
phobias typically emerged during childhood or adolescents, persisting into adulthood.
恐惧症通常源于儿童或青少年时期,并一直持续到成年 。
Phobias unfortunately are usually not solo travelers, it's more likely to have multiple phobias than just a single one.
不幸的是,恐惧症通常不是独独行者,它们更可能有多重恐惧症,而不是只有一个 。
Also we have seen here that some are more common than others.
我们也看到一些比其他更常见的恐惧症 。
Do you relate with any of these? Do you know someone who does? This has only shown some of the most common phobias,
there are many more such as fear of storms, fear of dolls, fear of enclosed spaces, among others.
还有对暴风、玩具娃娃、密封空间的恐惧 。
A specific phobia is characterized by intense fear and avoidance behaviors that can negatively impact a person's life.
特殊恐惧症的特征是强烈的恐惧和回避行为,这些行为会对一个人的生活产生负面影响 。
Fortunately though, all phobias are treatable, usually with cognitive behavioral therapy.
还好,所有恐惧症都是可以治疗的,通常是通过认知行为疗法 。
So if you're suffering from a phobia yourself or know someone who is,
it's best to seek out a mental health care professional and get the help needed.
最好是找一个心理健康护理专家,并得到所需的帮助 。
Thank you for watching. We hope you learned something and gained some insight.
感谢收看 。我们希望大家学到了知识,增加了见解 。
Please help us continue our video on providing knowledge by liking, commenting and subscribing.
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