"So the top answers for women were physical attractiveness, and then empathy, nurturing, and kindness.
The top answers for men were honesty, and morality, actually, and then second was professional and financial success.
So those are adults.
But maybe it's getting better with the next generation.
Well, last year they did a survey of American teenagers and they asked them the same question,
except for instead of men and women, it was what does society value most in girls and what does society value most in boys?
Okay, so, physical attractiveness was at the top of the list for girls.
In fact, there was even more consensus among teenagers than there was among adults that this is what society values in girls."
"I feel like I have noticed that our commenters pay a lot of attention to how you two look and not so much with us."
"Yeah, we've noticed that, too." "Yeah."
"But I would say that, like, mostly they're positive about you guys."
"In so far as positive comments about our appearance are positive.
A lot of that is just so gross."
"It's gross, and also we are trying to look pretty on camera." "Right."
"So where does that leave us? Like, we are trying, and we have makeup on."
"And I think that if someone comments on this video and says, you know,
'Hey, you guys are talking about these beauty norms and you're benefiting directly from them,' I think that's a reasonable critique."
"And actually this is a really widespread issue.
There's a lot of research that shows that they way a woman looks, you know, her weight, how much makeup she wears,
can affect things like her earnings, and how her personality is perceived."
"It's kind of like...every aspect of your life you're getting stared at and judged."
"And I think this all comes from this cultural context that I've been telling you guys about that dates back centuries,
which is a world that cares a lot about the insides of men and the outsides of women."
"And this is all causing what psychologist Renee Engeln calls 'beauty sickness.'
It comes from a culture that is absolutely obsessed with how women look."
"A woman's hair is like a work of art. It must have balance and composition."
"This culture that never misses a moment to comment on a woman's appearance, to criticize it."
"She looks quite, uh-- She looks tired. She's under pressure. She looks tired."
"Look at that face. Can you imagine that the face of our next president?"
"That purple on you looks spectacular."
"To keep drawing out attention over and over again to how we look."
"I have a beautiful daughter."
"Two beautiful daughters."
"My beautiful daughters."
"Jenny, you've lost your baby weight it looks like already."
"The world has watched you age. Has that been a difficult thing to live through?"
"You are that sort of poster child for aging gracefully." "Aging gracefully."
"And the minute your focus shifts to thinking about how you look, it did shift away from something else.
To me, that's where the sickness is."
"And this guy who went to the school down the street got on the bus and he was like, 'Oh, your legs are so hairy.'
And I was like, 'Oh, I guess they are.'
And I went home that day and went and got a razor.
I splashed it underneath the running tap and I dragged it along my leg.
I looked at it, and I cleaned it off with my thumb and I split my thumb open."
"I was super freaked out about getting divorced.
And one of my daughters, who was eight at the time, said to me one day,
'Why do you always look so angry? You have so many lines on your face.'
And I was really angry. She was not wrong.
And I had to deal with that.
But I almost immediately was like, 'Oh, my God, my face is falling apart.'"
"Everybody has a list. My ears stick out."
I have this vein in my forehead that only comes out when I smile really big.
So sometimes I worry about that before I smile in a photograph."
"My bangs are awkward, but I can't get rid of them because they're hiding my forehead."
"I have these three chin hairs that are very adventurous."
"And even though I'm really thin, I have cellulite."
"Every time I feel insecure about something, I guess I do something to make up for it.
Like, my eyebrows, I feel insecure, I dyed it.
For my ears, I feel insecure, I got piercings.
My eyelashes, I got extensions.
That's the truth."
"So, it seems like we're being presented this endless list of things that we can do now to beautify ourselves." "Expensive things."
"Expensive things."
"Eyelash extensions."
"May be the new standard."
"The fastest growing type of cosmetic surgery-- butt implants."
"Sparkle tattooing."
"The price ranges from $600 to $800." "Microblading."
"It's a form of permanent cosmetic tattooing for your eyebrows."
"The vampire facial uses your own blood on your face."
"And we're gonna show you one of them.
This one."
"Oh-- Face gym."
"It's a gym for your face."
"For your face." "It's a workout for your face."
"It does kind of scare me because it reminds me of, like, body image, like how they say there's a skinny person hiding beneath you.
So maybe underneath this face there's a sculpted chiseled chin in there."
"Yeah." "Oh, my God. That's exactly it." "That is the idea."
"Are you guys ready?" "Yeah." "I think so."
"Let's do it." "Okay."
"See you in an hour."