早安英文(MP3+文本) 第641期:在国外酒窝竟然被当作缺陷?
日期:2020-01-08 10:34
facial features 面部特征
forehead 额头
eye brows 眉毛/brow ridge 眉骨
cave man 原始人,(史前石器时代的)穴居人
the bridge of the nose 鼻梁
the wall of the nose 鼻翼
nostrils 鼻孔
hairline 发际线
a receding hairline 逐渐后移的发际线
cheeks 脸颊/cheek bones 颧骨
Asians tend to have high cheek bones.
eye lids 眼皮/eye balls 眼球/eye lashes 眼睫毛
Why Chinese girls wanna have double eye lids??
ears 耳朵/earlobes 耳垂
eye booger 眼屎/booger 鼻屎
double chin 双下巴
dimple 酒窝
birthmark 胎记 beauty mark(女生专用)
wrinkle 皱纹/crows feet 鱼尾纹/nasolabial folds 法令纹
mole 痣
canines/k9s 虎牙
philtrum 人