黑桃 spade
红桃 heart
梅花 club
方块 diamond
Shuffle 洗牌
Shuffle is a word used a lot in poker
I shuffle the cards before playing.
Ante 赌注
The minimum Ante is 500$.
Open 开局
He opened with the first bet of 1000 dollars.
他以1000 美元开始了第一轮的赌注。
Raise 加价
Mumu bet 100 I will raise her and bet 200.
All in 全押
Going all in means you bet everything in this round.
Bluffing 虚张声势
Bluffing is to make someone believe that you have a bad card or a good card, to achieve this you have to be really good at reading people and also controlling your facial expressions.
Poker face 扑克脸
Having a poker face means your face is expressionless.