Mr. Durham, a veteran of high-profile political investigations who is known for keeping quiet during his inquiries,
did not specify any additional evidence he had uncovered that might credibly undermine Mr. Horowitz's assessment
that F.B.I. officials met the standard in 2016 for opening an investigation.
即2016年FBI展开调查的行为符合调查标准的证据 。
"I look forward to the Durham report, which is coming out in the not-too-distant future," Mr. Trump said.
"过不了多久,达勒姆的报告就出来了,我很期待,”特朗普说 。
"It's got its own information, which is this information plus plus plus."
“他的报告有一些独家信息,要比现在的那些全面得多 。”
James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director who oversaw the opening of the Russia investigation
and whom Mr. Trump abruptly fired nearly a year later,
lauded Mr. Horowitz's findings and called on "those who attacked the F.B.I." to acknowledge they were wrong.
这一次,他不仅对霍洛维茨的发现予以了肯定,还呼吁“那些攻击FBI的人”应该意识到自己的错误 。
"The allegation of a criminal conspiracy was nonsense,"
Mr. Comey, citing Mr. Horowitz's findings, wrote in an op-ed article in The Washington Post.
科米在《华盛顿邮报》的一篇专栏文章中援引霍洛维茨的结论写道 。
"There was no illegal wiretapping, there were no informants inserted into the campaign, there was no ‘spying' on the Trump campaign."
“FBI没有非法窃听,也没有在竞选活动中安插线人或是对特朗普竞选活动进行‘监控’ 。”
While Mr. Horowitz concluded that investigators followed existing rules in opening Crossfire Hurricane,
he portrayed those rules as lax in permitting the bureau to take
many key steps without higher-level approval from Justice Department officials.
执行了许多重大行动 。
For a full investigation, which permits wiretapping,
F.B.I. procedures require an "articulable factual basis" that "reasonably indicates" that a crime or a national security threat exists.
The bureau's top counterintelligence agent, Bill Priestap,
decided after deliberating with senior colleagues that the standard had been met, Mr. Horowitz found.
断定符合调查标准是与资深同事商议后的决定 。
Though the report largely undercuts the president's most inflammatory accusations,
Mr. Trump's persistent attacks have nonetheless damaged the bureau's reputation.
特朗普的持续攻击还是对该局的声誉造成了一定的影响 。
Top officials including Mr. Comey and Andrew G. McCabe, the former deputy director, were fired, while others left the bureau.
科米和前FBI副局长安德鲁·麦凯布等多名高级官员被陆续免职,其他人则选择了主动离开调查局 。
Much of the report focused on the documents associated with the wiretapping of Mr. Page.
报告重点讨论了有关窃听佩奇的文件 。
Despite the attention it has received,
the wiretap was but a small piece of a sprawling F.B.I. investigation into Russian election interference.
此案实则只是FBI针对俄罗斯干预美国大选一事展开的一系列调查的冰山一角 。
Investigators obtained nearly 500 search warrants and interviewed hundreds of witnesses, according to the special counsel's report.
特别检察官的报告显示,调查人员持有近500张搜查令,采访的证人就有数百名 。
The FISA court first approved the wiretap in October 2016, about a month after Mr. Page had stepped down from the Trump campaign.
外国情报监视法庭首次批准监听佩奇是2016年10月,也即佩奇退出特朗普竞选阵营的一个月后 。
The Justice Department obtained three renewals of court permission to eavesdrop on Mr. Page — two under the Trump administration.
司法部共获得了三次监听佩奇的法庭许可,其中有两次都是在特朗普执政期内获得的 。
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1.look forward to sth. 期待
A few days later, he began to actually look forward to the wolf's presence.
几天后,他开始其实是期待狼出现了 。
2.deliberate with 商讨;商榷
I deliberated with him on his future plans of study.
我和他商讨了一下他未来的学习计划 。
3.step down from 辞职;
Olmert said he was informing his cabinet about his decision to step down from his post as Prime Minister of Israel.
奥尔默特说,他已经通知内阁,他决定辞去以色列总理的职务 。
4.eavesdrop on 窃听;偷听
How could any computer eavesdrop on all the goings-on that take place in there every moment of ordinary life?