January 3rd, 1777. During the Revolutionary War, General George Washington's army routs the British in the battle of Princeton, New Jersey.
1777年1月3日,美国独立战争期间,乔治·华盛顿将军领导的军队在新泽西普林斯顿战役中击溃英军 。
That follows Washington and his troops crossing the Delaware River and beating the Hessian's nearby Trenton.
在此之前,华盛顿和他的军队穿过特拉华河,打败了特伦顿附近的黑森雇佣兵 。
1990. Panama's ousted leader General Manuel Noriega surrenders to US forces after taking refuge at the Vatican's diplomatic mission.
1990年,被罢黜的巴拿马领导人曼努埃尔·诺列加将军在梵蒂冈外交使团避难后向美军投降 。
He's later convicted and sentenced to prison in the US for cocaine trafficking, racketeering and money laundering.
后来他在美国因贩卖可卡因、敲诈勒索和洗钱而被定罪并判刑 。
1967. Jack Ruby, the nightclub owner who shot Lee Harvey Oswald just days after President John F. Kennedy's assassination, dies in a Dallas hospital.
1967年,约翰·F·肯尼迪总统遇刺几天后,夜总会老板杰克·鲁比枪杀了李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德 。杰克·鲁比在达拉斯一家医院去世 。
And 1892. Take note, "Lord of the Rings" fans! Author J.R.R. Tolkien, creator of the trilogy that found its way to the big screen, is born in South Africa.
1892年,注意啦,《指环王》的粉丝们!作家J.R.R.托尔金在南非出生 。他是三部曲的作者,该系列被搬上了大银幕 。
Today in history, Jan 3rd, Camille Bohannon, the Associated Press.
以上是1月3日《历史上的今天》,美联社卡米尔·博汉农为您播报 。