On the call, Mr. Trump veered off talking points prepared by Colonel Vindman
and pressed Mr. Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his son Hunter Biden
and a debunked theory that Democrats conspired with Ukraine to interfere in the 2016 election.
以及民主党与乌克兰合谋干涉2016年大选这一已被揭穿的说法 。
Both witnesses testified that as the summer went on,
concerns within the American and Ukrainian governments grew over Mr. Trump’s decision to withhold vital military assistance for the country —
a step he took as he pressed for the investigations.
美国和乌克兰政府内部的担忧日渐加剧 。
National security officials in the United States unanimously supported releasing the aid, they testified,
and some raised legal concerns before it was released in September.
但在那之前,一些人还对特朗普的这一举措可能造成的法律后果表达了担忧 。
Ms. Williams recounted a September meeting between Mr. Pence and Mr. Zelensky
in which the Ukrainian president explained in dramatic terms how failing to provide the money would only help Russia.
当时,乌克兰总统措辞激烈地辩解道,美国若不提供资金,最终只会便宜了俄罗斯 。
“Any signal or sign that U.S. support was wavering
would be construed by Russia as potentially an opportunity for them to strengthen their own hand in Ukraine,”
Ms. Williams said, relaying what Mr. Zelensky told Mr. Pence.
威廉姆斯转述泽伦斯基对彭斯说的话说道 。
For Colonel Vindman in particular, the testimony amounted to an unusual act of public criticism of the president by a White House employee —
and it came at an immediate cost.
但批评的代价也是立竿见影的 。
The colonel, who came to the United States as a refugee at 3, referred to his family’s history in Ukraine, a former Soviet republic,
noting that in Russia, “offering public testimony involving the president would surely cost me my life.”
他指出,在俄罗斯,“公开发表有关总统的证词,我肯定会没命的 。”
Addressing his father, who he credited with “the right decision” in leaving the Soviet Union to seek refuge in the United States 40 years ago,
Colonel Vindman said, “Do not worry, I will be fine for telling the truth.”
文德曼中校说道:“别担心,就算说出实情,我也不会有事的 。”
But as Colonel Vindman sat in the stately House Ways and Means Committee Room,
the official, taxpayer-funded Twitter account of the White House posted a critical quote
in which Tim Morrison, his former boss at the National Security Council, questioned Colonel Vindman’s “judgment.”
质疑文德曼中校的“判断”的话对其展开了批评 。
Mr. Morrison, the council’s former senior director for Russia and Europe,
testified in a second session that went well into Tuesday evening alongside Kurt D. Volker, the former United States special envoy to Ukraine.
和前美国驻乌克兰特使库尔特·D.沃尔克一起参与了第二轮庭审 。这次庭审耗时较长,一直持续到了周二夜晚 。
Public testimony from both men had been requested by Republicans,
but they also confirmed key details of the case Democrats are building against Mr. Trump.
但他们的证词也揭示了有关民主党人控告特朗普一案的关键细节 。
In carefully calibrated testimony, Mr. Morrison confirmed that he and other White House officials
had continuing concerns about Colonel Vindman’s judgment, though he declined to discuss them at length.
他和其他白宫官员一直对文德曼中校的判断怀有一定的担忧 。
Mr. Morrison, who listened in on the July 25 call himself from the White House Situation Room,
said he wished Colonel Vindman had come to him directly with his concerns.
他很遗憾文德曼中校没有将自己的顾虑直接告诉他 。
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1.veer off sth. 偏离;离开
Respect their views and boundaries and do not veer offtheir final decision.
尊重她们的观点和底线,不要她们做完了最后决定后又临时改变 。
2.press for 敦促;催逼
Did this mean he would press for a rapid end to hostilities or was he preparing for engagement lasting for years to come?
3.amount to 等于
Mr Brown is at pains to say that all this does not amount to a blank cheque for the banks.
布朗竭力表示,这一切并不等于为银行开了一张空白支票 。
4.at a adj. cost ……的代价
Israel's last conventional war, and last clear victory (albeit at a heavy cost), was in 1973.
1973年的第四次中东战争,是以色列打的最后一场传统战争,也是最后一次明显获胜的战争(虽然也付出了沉重的代价) 。