If you think psychology is boring, then we've got news for you, you couldn't be more wrong.
如果你认为心理学很无聊,那么我们要告诉你,你大错特错了 。
This wild and intriguing branch of science is filled with all kinds of wacky facts and some of them will blow your socks right off.
这个疯狂而有趣的科学分支充满了各种古怪的事实,其中一些会让你大吃一惊 。
So strap in because we're about to take you on a rollercoaster ride straight into the human brain.
所以系好安全带,因为我们要带你坐直达人类大脑的过山车 。
1. Bravery cells have been found at the hippocampus.
1. 海马体中发现了勇敢细胞 。
Scientists working at Uppsala University in Sweden have found out something amazing about the human hippocampus.
瑞典乌普萨拉大学的科学家们发现了有关人类海马体的一些惊人之处 。
They've discovered that there are certain specific cells in the hippocampus that actually determine how brave we are.
他们发现海马体中有一些特定的细胞决定了我们有多勇敢 。
So, the next time you work up the courage to ask someone out or to go skydiving, you can thank your trusty bravery cells.
所以,下次你鼓起勇气约别人出去或去跳伞时,你可以感谢你值得信赖的勇气细胞 。
2.We will probably not freak out if aliens ever come to earth.
2. 如果外星人来到地球,我们可能不会惊慌失措 。
Hollywood loves to focus on what could go wrong if aliens ever came to earth.
好莱坞热衷于关注如果外星人来到地球会出现什么问题 。
These movies often end up in massive battles where the faith of the entire world is at stake.
这些电影通常的结尾都是,整个世界信仰受到威胁,人类陷入大规模战争 。
But researchers at Arizona State University have discovered that real everyday people
actually have a much more optimistic approach to alien life.
对外星生命的态度要乐观得多 。
In fact, they've determined that people would probably be pretty happy about meeting a new life-form from outer space.
事实上,他们已经确定,人们可能会很高兴见到来自外太空的新生命形式 。
3.Teen love is real after all and it can impact us deeply.
3. 青少年的爱情是真的,它会深深影响着我们 。
You've probably heard of the old saying 'There's no such thing as teen love'.
你可能听过一句老话:“世上没有所谓的青少年之爱” 。
This stems from the belief that teenagers are not mature enough to feel real love and
what they experience is just their hormones acting up.
他们所经历的只是荷尔蒙在作怪 。
But researchers at Arizona State University have been taking this phenomenon very seriously;
they found that teen love is actually so strong and emotionally impactful that it affects mental health and even future relationships.
他们发现,青少年的爱情实际上是非常强烈的且有情感上的影响力,它影响着心理健康,甚至未来的关系 。
Your highschool crush was true love after all.
你高中时喜欢的人也是真爱啊 。
4.The human brain has a much larger capacity than we ever thought.
人脑的容量比我们以为的要大得多 。
How many gigs of data does an average brain hold?
Well scientists thought that they had the answer until a very interesting discovery was made a few years back.
直到几年前的一个非常的有趣的发现,科学家们才认为,他们找到了答案 。
Researchers at the University of California and others have determined that our brains
have a capacity 10 times larger than previously thought. This means that our brains can hold roughly the entire internet.
我们的大脑容量比之前认为的要大10倍 。这意味着我们的大脑几乎可以容纳整个互联网 。
5.Young adults are the most stressed-out people on earth.
5. 年轻人是世界上压力最大的人 。
It turns out that Millennials actually have a pretty good reason for complaining so much.
事实证明,千禧一代抱怨这么多其实是有充分理由的 。
According to a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association,
those aged 18 to 35 reported the highest amounts of stress, more than any other age group.
18岁至35岁的人压力最大,超过其他任何年龄段的人 。
Money and finances were the biggest causes for stress across all generations.
钱和经济状况是各代人压力最大的原因 。
6.Saffron might just be the best antidepressant ever.
6. 藏红花可能是有史以来最好的抗抑郁药 。
Today, people are extremely wary of big pharmaceutical companies prescribing antidepressants
and other medication that could do more harm than good.
和其他药物非常谨慎,这些药可能弊大于利 。
But according to a number of new studies, the most effective antidepressants might have been under our noses the whole time.
但是根据一些新的研究,最有效的抗抑郁药物可能一直就在我们的眼皮底下 。
Yes, we're talking about saffron and research has shown that it's just as effective as pharmaceuticals and has no side effects.
是的,我们说的是藏红花,研究表明它和药物一样有效并且没有副作用 。
7.We're only capable of being close to about 150 people.
7. 我们只能与约150人亲近 。
The age of social media has opened us up to an entire world of potential friends where everyone can be connected.
社交媒体时代为我们打开了一个潜在朋友的世界,在那里每个人都可以互相联系 。
At least that's the theory, but psychologists know that according to something called Dunbar's number,
the maximum amount of friends our brains can handle is about 150.
我们大脑最多能处理约150个朋友 。
This was confirmed by recent studies which even took into account the recent rise of social media.
最近的研究也证实了这一点,这些研究甚至还将最近社交媒体的兴起考虑在内 。
Even after all these years, Dunbar's number seems to hold true.
即使经过这么多年,邓巴的数字似乎仍然成立 。
8.Money can buy happiness... Kind of.
8. 某种程度上,金钱可以买到快乐 。
You've probably heard it repeated a million times 'money can't buy happiness'.
这句话你可能已经听过无数次了,“金钱买不到幸福” 。
Well, researchers from Purdue University and the University of Virginia might have a thing or two to say about that;
when it comes to happiness, their research has shown that it only takes about $75,000 a year for emotional well-being.
说起快乐,他们的研究表明一年大约只需要7.5万美元就能获得情感上的幸福 。
Boost it up to $95,000 and you won't desire any more income. Anything above that and there's no real increase in happiness.
把它提高到9.5万美元,你就不会想要更多的收入 。如果超过了这个范围,幸福感就不会增加 。
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