第45期 那些和分手相关的音乐情绪啊… Music(2)
日期:2019-11-07 18:10


Level: upper-intermediate

Q&A Round 4
Based on relationships, breakups and things happening in your life, do you revert to somber songs when you are going through a hard time, or do you stick to the music type you like, your genre, your artist?

Somber 昏暗的,阴沉的

A little bit of both 两者都有点吧

I quite like... 挺喜欢…

Downbeat songs 悲伤的歌

Somber songs, downbeat songs seem to be what you naturally seem to gravitate towards after a breakup. 在结束一段关系的时候,你天然就会被那些阴沉、悲伤的歌曲吸引。

Gravitate towards 被…吸引
Jennifer Leonard, a chartered psychologist and parenting coach, agrees that mothers of young children gravitate towards one another. [Guardian, the U.K.]
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Q&A Round 5
How about you? What would be your song of choice?

Resentment 怨恨

Heavy lyrics and heavy beats 感情色彩比较重的歌词和强烈的节奏

Go through a difficult breakup 经历很痛的分手

It can go both ways though. 可能导致两个方向的结果。

Music can also drag you down. 让你消沉

And also sometimes it helps people get through things. 从困境中走出来

They know that’s not the end of the world. 不是世界末日

Bullet for My Valentine: 致命情人,来自英国威尔士布里真德的四人金属核乐队

Alternative 二选一的

Alt-rock 另类摇滚

Country has never appealed to me. 乡村音乐从来不吸引我的。

Underground music scene: 另类小众音乐,没有在媒体大范围播放


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  • hackn. 劈,砍,出租马车 v. 劈,砍,干咳
  • viraladj. 滤过性毒菌的,滤过性毒菌引起的