Every meme is in the same typeface.
表情包用的都是同一种字体 。
It’s called Impact.
这种字体叫“Impact” 。
But how did that happen?
Impact was designed by Geoffrey Lee in 1963.
“Impact”字体是乔弗瑞·李在1963年设计出来的 。
It was bold, condensed & sans-serif, in line with the style of the 60s and ideal for short pieces of text and punchy headlines.
粗体,浓缩&无衬线,这种字体符合60年代的字体设计风格,非常适合应用于简短文字或吸睛的标题 。
Impact was influenced by a movement called the International Typographic Style or Swiss Style,
which emphasized readability and cleanliness, with typefaces like Helvetica and Univers.
这种风格强调的是可读性和简洁,字形有点像Helvetica和Univers两种字体 。
It took those staid fonts and gave them a dash of mod flavor.
它采用的是稳重的字体,又赋予了它们些许现代气息 。
Those were the days of metal typesetting, so Lee had to carve each letter by hand.
当时还是金属排版的年代,所以,每个字李都得手工雕刻 。
Lee sold it to the type manufacturer Stephenson Blake.
李把这种字体卖给了打字机制造商斯蒂芬森·布莱克 。
This is their original ad for the font.
这是他们最初为这个字体设计的广告 。
Impact was later sold to Monotype, another typeface company -- they’re known for creating Times New Roman.
后来,这种字体又被卖给了另一家字体公司Monotype——因为发明了Times New Roman这种字体而为人熟知的字体公司 。
And Monotype in turn licensed fonts to Microsoft.
后者又将这种字体授权给了微软 。
So that’s how Impact ended up being included in the Windows Operating System which was starting to dominate the market in the 90s.
这就是为什么Impact最终被纳入了Windows的操作系,90年代,Windows系统逐渐开始主导市场 。
And in 1996, Microsoft chose 11 “core fonts for the web”, a free, standard font pack that would work across the internet.
1996年,微软选出了11种“核心网络字体”,组成了一个免费的,整个互联网通用的标准字体包 。
Impact was one of them.
Impact就是其中之一 。
By the way, that’s Webdings.
顺便说一下,这种字体叫Webdings 。
That distribution advantage helped Impact become the default in online forums.
这种分布优势帮助Impact成为了在线论坛的默认选项 。
Those memes were called ‘image macros’ after ‘macro instructions’,
a term in computer science for a line of code that requests a pre-defined sequence of instructions.
“宏指令”是计算机科学里的一个术语,指的是需要预定义指令序列的一行代码 。
And in 2003, one of these image macros — a picture of a cat with the words “I can haz cheezburger” — launched the wave of modern memes.
2003年,其中一张图片宏——一张写着“我可以吃芝士汉堡”的猫的图片——掀起了现代表情包的浪潮 。
Several meme-generator sites subsequently adopted Impact as well, adding a black outline on the white font.
几个专门制作表情包的站点随后也引入了Impact这种字体,还给白色字体加了一圈黑色轮廓 。
There are more than 11 fonts on the internet now.
如今,网络核心字体已经不止11种了 。
But we expect memes to look a certain way, and that includes Impact.
但我们还是希望表情包以某种特定的形式出现,包括使用Impact这种字体 。
And that’s probably not going to change anytime soon.
而且,这种趋势短期内可能不会改变 。