Voice 2: Some diseases can kill a person. But there are other diseases that make life painful. Schistosomiasis is this kind of disease. Schistosomiasis causes many different problems in a person's body. But to understand what happens to a person's body, we must first know how a person gets schistosomiasis.
声音2:有些疾病可致人死亡 。其他疾病则会令患者的生活痛苦不堪 。血吸虫病就属于这类疾病 。血吸虫病会在患者身体里引发许多问题 。而为了了解患者的身体会发生什么,我们必须首先知道为什么会感染血吸虫病 。
Voice 1: Schistosomiasis is caused by a very small organism. This organism lives in dirty water. If a person's skin touches this dirty water, that person is at risk. The organisms may enter his body. The organisms sense movement from a person. They like the chemicals from a person's body. The organisms also produce a chemical. This chemical lets them enter a person's body.
声音1:血吸虫病由一种极小的生物所引发 。这种生物生活在污水中 。如果有人的皮肤接触到这一污水,那就会面临风险 。这种生物会进入他的身体 。该生物能感知到人的移动 。它们喜欢人体中的化学物质 。这种生物还会产生一种化学物质 。该化学物质会让它们进入人体 。
Voice 2: The organism moves through the body, from the skin, to the lungs, to the liver. There, it feeds on red blood cells. When both male and female organisms meet in the liver, they reproduce. The female organism releases eggs into the person's body. This is where the serious problems start.
声音2:该生物会在人体内移动,从皮肤到肺部再到肝脏 。它们会以肝脏的血红细胞为食 。当雄性生物和雌性生物在肝脏中相遇后,它们就会繁殖 。雌性生物会在人体内产卵 。这就是严重问题的起始点 。