1984年苹果发布会 乔布斯介绍麦金塔(9)
日期:2019-10-16 19:42



But perhaps the biggest news will be that all three new Lisas are 100% Macintosh software compatible. Now, together these four workstations form the foundation of the Apple 32 supermicros, a family of compatible products based on Lisa technology and 32 bit architecture. And these four workstations span an incredible price performance range, with Macintosh as the key building block at $2,495 to Lisa 2/10, the flagship in performance at $5,495.
但最大的新闻可能是这三款新Lisa都是100%兼容Macintosh软件的_X([DyE)R-]k。现在,这四个工作站一起构成了苹果32位超级计算机的基础,这是一个基于Lisa技术和32位架构的兼容产品系列e(v6PuDQZ8m;dgx*U5#。这四个工作站覆盖了一个令人难以置信的性价比范围,其中Macintosh作为重要的组成部分,价格定为2495美元,而旗舰Lisa 2/10的价格则是5495美元IjFSLzr04Y*


1984年苹果发布会 乔布斯介绍麦金塔


We didn't start Apple to build adequate products. And we didn't start Apple to simply put computers on the desks of computer-trained professionals to connect to IBM mainframes. What we wanted to do and what we want to do now is to build great personal computers and bring them to tens of millions of people. Never before has the time been riper, and never before, with a radically easier to use family of 32-bit products, have we been closer to doing just that.
Thank you very much.
