日期:2019-10-14 11:58


Yen Yuan asked about perfect virtue, The Master said, "To subdue one's self and return to propriety, is perfect virtue.
If a man can for one day subdue himself and return to propriety, an under heaven will ascribe perfect virtue to him.
Is the practice of perfect virtue from a man himself, or is it from others?"
Yen Yuan said, "I beg to ask the steps of that process." The Master replied,
"Look not at what is contrary to propriety; listen not to what is contrary to propriety; speak not what is contrary to propriety; make no movement which is contrary to propriety."

Yen Yuan then said, "Though I am deficient in intelligence and vigor, I will make it my business to practice this lesson."
Chung-kung asked about perfect virtue. The Master said, "It is, when you go abroad, to behave to every one as if you were receiving a great guest; to employ the people as if you were assisting at a great sacrifice;
not to do to others as you would not wish done to yourself; to have no murmuring against you in the country, and none in the family."
Chung-kung said, "Though I am deficient in intelligence and vigor, I will make it my business to practice this lesson."

  • deficientadj. 不足的,不充份的,有缺陷的
  • ascribev. 归因于,归咎于
  • intelligencen. 理解力,智力 n. 情报,情报工作,情报机关
  • proprietyn. 适当,正当,得体 (复数)proprieties:
  • vigorn. 活力,精力
  • subduev. 使服从,压制,减弱
  • virtuen. 美德,德行,优点,贞操
  • employ雇用,使用
  • movementn. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章
  • contraryadj. 相反的,截然不同的 adv. 相反(地) n.