Voice 1: This attitude towards leadership comes from Jesus' teaching in the Christian Bible. He teaches his followers to lead by example — to lead with love. He shows them strong moral values. He teaches them with wise words and instruction. Jesus is a powerful leader. Yet he also washes the feet of his followers — the job of a servant! He does this to show them they must serve each other. He shows them that serving can be the most effective kind of leadership.
声音1:这种对领导力的看法来自耶稣在基督教圣经中教导的教义 。他教导信徒要以身作则,用爱领导 。他向信徒展示了强烈的道德价值观 。他教导信徒使用睿智的言辞和指令 。耶稣是强大的领导人 。他还为信徒洗脚——这本是仆人的工作!他以此来向信徒表明,他们必须为彼此服务 。他告诉信徒,服务可以成为最有效的领导方式 。
Voice 2: Watoto is based on Jesus' teaching. Children learn to act with strength and love. They learn from example. They also receive good education.
声音2:Watoto组织以耶稣的教义为基础 。儿童学习如何利用力量和爱来行动 。他们向榜样学习 。他们还接受了良好的教育 。