Okay, I have a slight wait before I dine alone, so there’s time for activities.
好了,我的餐一会儿才会上,所以我们可以稍微再活动一会儿 。
That thing’s terrifying. Oh, it is.
那玩意儿大得也太吓人了 。哈哈,是挺吓人的 。
This boot’s a metaphor for steak — and boots.
这只靴子是一个隐喻,指的是牛排——还有酒 。
It’s time.
我的餐好了 。
I feel like the only way to go mega-vi is to get that 72 ounce steak.
我觉得唯一能让我变得活力满满的办法就是吃下那块72盎司(约4斤)的牛排 。
OK, see that big 66 on there?
Amarillo, Texas, is a good example of a big Route 66 town.
德克萨斯州的阿马里洛堪称是一个典型的66号公路沿线大城镇 。
They were already a transportation center.
这些大城镇过去就已经是交通枢纽了 。
This 1926 map — the year Route 66 started — shows Amarillo was a railroad hub.
这张1926年——也就是66号公路开建的那一年——的地图就显示出阿马里洛是一个铁路枢纽了 。
After World War II ended, that existing commerce and Route 66 made it easy to add roadside attractions.
二战结束后,已有的商业和66号公路使得添补路边景点变得更加便利了 。
And it’s still that way today.
今天依然是如此 。
Over time, Route 66 did this for towns a lot smaller than Amarillo, too.
随着时间的推移,66号公路也为比阿马里洛小得多的城镇带来了这样的机遇 。
This is the middle of the video, by the way. Right now. Yeah.
顺便说一下,这期视频,到这里就过去一半了 。嗯 。
It also did it for Vega, Texas.
德克萨斯州的维加市也享受到了这样的机遇 。
Carolyn was nice enough to be my tour guide.
卡洛琳好心地担任了我的导游 。
She showed me her house.
她带我看了她的房子 。
“This is Ben’s dad. And grandpa and me.”
“这是本的爸爸 。还有爷爷和我 。”
“Oh wow.”
“哇 。”
She’s very into dinosaurs.
她非常喜欢恐龙 。
“armored ranch and spikes. And teeth.”
“这是盔甲的化石,这是恐龙身上的刺 。这是牙齿 。”
“And so where did you find these?” “Out North of Town.”
“那这些东西你都是从哪里找来的呢?”“就我们小镇北郊啊 。”
And she also showed me the Magnolia Gas Station, which got started just before Route 66 became official.
她还带我参观了木兰加油站,这个加油站前脚开始营业,后脚66号公路就正式开通了 。
She actually helped restore the space, including the second floor, where people used to live.
实际上,她帮忙修复了这栋楼,以前,二楼是有人住的 。
“It’s a filling station, but somebody said at one time they also sold ice.
“这是一个加油站,有人说之前还卖过冰 。
I’m not too sure about that part.”
这个我就不太确定了 。”
“The kitchen was green. The bedroom was blue.
“厨房是绿色的 。卧室是蓝色的 。
See, I hung pans up there so you’d know it was the kitchen.”
瞧,我把锅挂在上面了,这样大家就知道这里以前是厨房了 。”
“Those pictures are neat because they show the horses pulling the cars out of the water.”
“那些照片拍得都很好,显示了马把汽车从水里拉出来时的情形 。”
To support all that travel and all those attractions, Route 66 had a unique motel culture.
为了支持沿线的所有旅行和景点,66号公路还养成了独特的汽车旅馆文化 。
Of course, even as it succeeded, Route 66 was limited by the prevailing prejudices of the time.
当然,即使成功了,66号公路也还是受到了当时普遍存在的偏见的限制 。
The Green Book was a traveling guide for black motorists to find safe lodging.
《绿皮书》就是当时的黑人自驾穿越这条公路时需要参考的一本旅行指南 。
In Tucumcari, New Mexico, in 1960, listed options were scarce.
比如,1960年时,新墨西哥州图桑卡里可供黑人投宿的旅馆就寥寥无几 。
Route 66 made a culture, but it didn’t change the existing one.
66号公路的确创造了一种文化,但它并没有改变当时已有的文化 。
And in the 1960s, just as the Route 66 road trip hit its peak, the road was already being eclipsed.
即便是60年代66号公路旅游之风正劲时,这条公路的光彩也已经开始消退了 。
Today, Glenrio, New Mexico is a ghost town.
如今,新墨西哥州的格伦里奥已然成了一座鬼城 。
It’s not alone.
然而,陷入这一境地的并非格伦里奥一座城市 。
After the Interstate Highway Act of 1956, new, better funded interstates were built for defense and infrastructure.
1956年《州际公路法》颁布后,资金更充足,用于国防和基础设施建设的新州际公路拔地而起 。
In Texas and New Mexico, you can see how I-40 followed Route 66 in some spots, but also split away.
在德克萨斯州和新墨西哥州,可以看到,I-40号公路和66号公路时而并列,时而分离 。
This is what that can look like.
结果可能就是这样 。
But it doesn’t have to.
但也不绝对 。
“We had the privilege of designing and creating two murals, one here in Joplin, Missouri, and another in Galena, Kansas.”
“我们有幸设计并创作了两幅壁画,一幅在密苏里州的乔普林,另一幅在堪萨斯州的盖里纳 。”
“We wanted to help revitalize and show off our local area on historic Route 66.”
“我们想帮助展示并振兴具有重大历史意义的66号公路沿线的当地风情 。”
“Route 66.”
“66号公路” 。
“I’m the president of the Oklahoma Statewide Route 66 Association and I’m the chair of the Tulsa Route 66 Commission.
“我是俄克拉荷马州66号公路协会的会长,也是塔尔萨66号公路委员会的会长 。
About ten years ago, I sold everything I owned and left the country and I backpacked for ten months throughout Southeast Asia and Europe.
大约十年前,我卖掉了我所有的家当,离开了这个国家,到东南亚和欧洲背包旅行了十个月 。
When I got home to Tulsa, which is where I was raised,
I thought Okay, I’ve seen all these amazing places, what does Tulsa have?
Of course, Route 66 goes right through Tulsa.
当然,66号公路不偏不倚地穿过了塔尔萨这个城市 。
I thought, well, it’s been here the whole time, I haven’t really paid attention, and started exploring it.”
我就想着,嗯,这条公路原来一直就在这里,我却没有真正注意过它,于是我就开始探索起这条路了 。”