Welcome to English in a Minute!
There are many types of games people can play.
But what does it mean when you are doing this?
Playing Hooky
Hey, I didn't see you in out fitness class today.
嘿 今天的健身课上没看到你啊
Yeah... I was playing hooky.
嗯 我翘课了
I just didn't feel like going all the way across town for class.
Oh, I see. Well, next time let me know, so I can play hooky, too.
哦 明白了 下一次要告诉我 我也好跟着翘课呀
"To play hooky" means to be absent from a place or event
"To play hooky"意思是没有去某个地方或参加某项活动
where you are supposed to be without permission.
但你本来应该要去的 而且是未经允许就缺席
Often this expression is used for children who are absent from school.
Some believe the noun "hooky" may have come from the 19th century phrase hook it, meaning "escape".
有些人认为"hooky"这个词可能源于19世纪的短语“hook it” 意思是“逃走”
And that’s English in a Minute.