November 3rd, 1986. The Iran-Contra affair begins to unfold as a Lebanese magazine breaks the story of secret US arms sales to Tehran.
1986年11月3日,一家黎巴嫩杂志披露了美国秘密向德黑兰出售武器的消息,伊朗门事件开始浮出水面 。
President Ronald Reagan initially denies trading arms to secure the release of American hostages in Lebanon.
罗纳德·里根总统最初否认为确保黎巴嫩美国人质的释放而出售武器 。
"In spite of the wildly speculative and false stories about arms for hostages, and alleged ransom payments,
we did not, repeat, did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we."
我们没有,我再说一遍,我们没有也不会为了人质出售任何武器或其他东西 。”
Also part of the money from the arms sales was diverted to the countries. The American back rebels in Nicaragua.
此外,部分武器销售收入被转移到了这些国家 。美国在尼加拉瓜支持叛军 。
Both revelations which involve violations of official US policy engulf the Reagan administration in scandal.
这两项涉及违反美国官方政策的爆料,都将里根政府卷入丑闻 。
1970. In Chile, Salvador Allende takes office as the first socialist President of that South American country.
1970年,在智利,萨尔瓦多·阿连德就任南美国家首位社会主义总统 。
Allende, who faces US opposition while in power, dies when a military coup overthrows him a few years later.
阿连德在执政期间面临美国的反对,几年后,在一场推翻他的军事政变中去世 。
1992. In Illinois, Carol Moseley Braun becomes the first black woman elected to the US Senate.
1992年,在伊利诺斯州,卡罗尔·莫斯利·布劳恩成为第一位当选为美国参议员的黑人女性 。
And 1998. A political body slam in Minnesota, "We've shocked the world. Minnesota leads the way."
1998年,一个政治团体在明尼苏达州满贯击败对手,“我们震惊了世界 。明尼苏达领先 。”
The former pro-wrestler, Jesse Ventura, wins the governor's race in an upset.
前职业摔跤手杰西·文图拉在州长竞选中意外获胜 。
Today in History, November 3rd, Carol Bradley, the Associated Press.
以上是11月3日《历史上的今天》,美联社迈克·格雷西亚为您播报 。