In 1989, Japan’s Shinkansen Bullet Train had a problem.
1989年,日本新干线高铁出现了问题 。
It was fast — really fast — like, pushing 170 miles per hour fast.
这列高铁速度很快——是真的很快——时速差不多在170英里(约274km)左右 。
But every time it exited a tunnel — it was loud.
但每次驶出隧道的时候——声音都很大 。
The noise was coming from a variety of sources,
but whenever a train sped into a tunnel, it pushed waves of atmospheric pressure through the other end.
但列车每次驶入隧道时,都会将压力波向隧道出口方向推进 。
The air exited tunnels with a sonic boom that could be heard 400 meters away.
而压力波到达出口会产生能传出足足400米远的爆破声 。
In dense residential areas, that was a huge problem.
对人口密集的居民区而言,这就是个大问题 。
So, an engineering team was brought in to design a quieter, faster, and more efficient train.
他们便请了一个工程团队为他们设计行驶起来更安静、更快也更高效的列车 。
And they had one secret weapon: Eiji Nakatsu — the general manager of the technical development department — was a birdwatcher.
该团队刚好有个秘密武器:新干线技术开发部总经理中津英治是位观鸟爱好者 。
Different components of the redesigned bullet train were based on different birds.
重新设计后的新干线各部位均以鸟类为设计灵感来源 。
Owls inspired the pantograph — that’s the rig that connects the train to the electric wires above.
猫头鹰是受电弓——连接火车和上方电线的装置——的设计灵感来源 。
Nakatsu modeled the redesign after their feathers,
reducing noise by using the same serrations and curvature that allow them to silently swoop down to catch prey.
弯曲的锯齿状羽毛让猫头鹰能够悄无声息地俯冲下来抓捕猎物,中津利用同样的原理减小了受电弓产生的噪音 。
The Adelie Penguin — whose smooth body allows it to swim and slide effortlessly —
inspired the pantograph’s supporting shaft, redesigned for lower wind resistance.
这点启发了受电弓臂杆的设计,减小了风的阻力 。
And perhaps most notable of all was the Kingfisher.
最引人注目的灵感来源或许还数翠鸟 。
The Kingfisher is a bird that dives into water to catch its prey.
翠鸟是一种需要潜入水中捕捉猎物的鸟 。
The unique shape of its beak allows it to do that while barely making a splash.
其独特的喙形让它们能够在捕捉猎物的同时几乎不会溅起任何水花 。
Nakatsu took that shape to the design table.
翠鸟的这一喙形也被中津带到了设计桌上 。
The team shot bullets shaped like different train nose models down a pipe to measure pressure waves,
and dropped them in water to measure the splash size.
然后把它们丢入水中测量溅起的水花的大小 。
The quietest nose design was the one modeled most closely after the Kingfisher’s beak.
他们发现,噪声最小的车头设计是模仿翠鸟喙模仿得最像的那款 。
When the redesign debuted in 1997, it was 10% faster, used 15% less electricity,
and stayed under the 70 dB noise limit in residential areas.
对住宅区造成的噪音也降到了70分贝这一上限之内 。
And it did all that with the wings of an owl, the belly of a penguin, and the nose of a Kingfisher.
而这一切都源自于猫头鹰的翅膀、企鹅的肚子和翠鸟的鼻子带来的灵感 。
There’s a name for design like this. It’s called biomimicry.
这类设计还有个名字——仿生设计 。
The people who design our world usually never take a biology class, believe it or not.
不管你信不信,那些设计了我们的世界的人往往都没上过生物课 。
So they're novices in how the world works.
他们对这个世界是如何运作的这一问题的了解也仅限于新手水平 。
That’s Janine Benyus.
这位是珍妮·班娜斯 。
Back in 1997, she wrote the book that coined the term “Biomimicry”.
早在1997年,她就创作了那本首次提到“仿生学”这个词的书 。
It told the story of the innovations in computing, energy, and health that were inspired by structures in the natural world.
书中讲述了计算机、能源和健康等领域,受到自然界各种构造启发的各项创新 。
Stick like a gecko.
像壁虎一样牢牢吸住 。
Compute like a cell.
像细胞一样计算 。
Even run a business like a redwood forest.
甚至像红杉林一样经营企业 。
Benyus has since worked as a consultant for various companies,
trying to get them to understand how to take design ideas from nature.
设法让他们理解如何从自然中汲取设计灵感 。
That might mean studying prairie dog burrows to build better air ventilation systems,
mimicking shark skin to create bacteria-resistant plastic surfaces for hospitals,
or arranging wind turbines in the same drag-reducing pattern that schools of fish swim in.
或者按照鱼群游动时的减阻模式来排放风力涡轮机 。