Explosive new details about a possible White House cover-up on Benghazi.
Unanswered questions about Benghazi.
Questions still remain unanswered.
问题仍有待解决…… 。
Some have suggested this is bigger than Watergate.
有人认为这次的时间比水门事件还要严重 。
Fox's goal was to smear the Obama administration, sure.
福克斯这么做是为了诋毁奥巴马政府,这是肯定的 。
But it was also to get other news outlets to take that smear seriously.
但也是为了让其他新闻媒体对这一诽谤信以为真 。
You know, at first blush, most journalists would be inclined to mostly ignore that,
it wasn't nothing, but it just wasn't the biggest news story in the world.
因为这件事虽然并不是毫不重要,但它毕竟算不上当时最大的新闻嘛 。
But it's on Fox, it's on fox, you hear about it more...
Why is the media not dealing with a clear cover-up here?
And you say to yourself, "Okay, I don't want to be biased, I need to incorporate this into my news diet, into my report."
你就会觉得,“那好吧,我也不想偏袒谁,那我得把它写到我的新闻里,写到我的报道里 。”
And eventually, Mary, it worked.
关键是,结果还管用了啊,玛丽 。
Aren't there still legitimate questions to be answered on Benghazi? Very serious unanswered questions.
是不是还有一些有关班加西事件的合理问题没有得到解决?一些非常重要的问题依然悬而未决 。
Legitimate questions. Too many questions.
合理问题 。太多问题 。
It's not just for Fox News anymore, it's all of cable news.
如今已经不止福克斯新闻,整个新闻圈都在问这个问题 。
So the result of that is that there's incredible agenda-setting power in AM talk radio and Fox News,
they all go talk about something.
他们都得聊点儿什么对吧 。
No matter how crazy or unimportant it is, it gets on the news aganda, and it gets covered by the mainstream.
无论多么离谱,多么不重要的新闻,一旦上了他们的新闻议程,主流媒体就都会相继报道 。
Thank god for Fox News for being tenacious enough to cause the mainstream media not to ignore this.
多亏了《福克斯新闻》的坚持报道,这一事件才没有被主流媒体忽视掉 。
There is no equivalent to this on the left.
左翼就没有福克斯这样的媒体武器 。
And that creates what Matt calls a "hack gap."
所以才有了马特所说的“媒体缺口” 。
Because conservatives can manufacture their own outrage cycles,
mainstream outlets pay a lot more attention to their bullshit.
主流媒体就对他们胡说八道的那些事情予以了高度的关注 。
Which means even minor slip-ups by Democrats can become career-defining scandals.
这也就意味着,即便民主党只出了一点点的小失误,也可能被炒成改变他们命运的丑闻 。
In March, Democrat Ilhan Omar gave a speech about how Muslim organizations had to fight Islamophobia after 9/11.
例如,今年3月,民主党人伊尔汉·奥马尔发表了一篇演说,谈到了9/11事件后穆斯林组织不得不和伊斯兰恐惧症作斗争一事 。
They recognize that some people did something, and all of us are starting to lose access to our civil liberties.
他们意识到了某些人做的某件事,结果,我们所有人都失去了民权 。
Pretty non-controversial, right? Wrong again, Mary.
挺没有争议的吧?你又错了,玛丽 。
Because in April, Republican Dan Crenshaw accused Omar of trivializing 9/11
because she didn't say the word terrorist, I guess? I don't know. Am I bleeding again?
至于原因……我猜是因为她没有提到恐怖主义这个词吧?搞不懂 。我是不是又流血了?
And the next morning, Fox News knew what it had to do.
次日早晨,福克斯新闻就想出了对策 。
Really? Few people did something? You have to wonder if she's an American first.
真的吗?什么叫某些人做的某件事?听完她这话,你都得怀疑她还是不是美国人了 。
Downplaying one of the darkest days in our nation's history.
淡化我国历史上最黑暗的一段时期 。
The Democratic Party has a problem.
民主党出问题了 。
Ilhan Omar is embroiled in another controversy today.
伊尔汗·奥马尔今日又卷入了另一场争议 。
After making controversial comments...
Do you feel she should apologize?
Do you think she should have rethought her words?
How do you think this controversy is playing out among Democrats?
The congresswoman needs to be careful about her own words too.
这位国会女议员自己说话时也应该谨言慎行 。
This is the kind of hacky nonsense that good gatekeeping is supposed to protect us from.
称职的新闻把关本来应该保护我们不受类似的胡说八道的影响 。
And it almost did.
他们也差一点就做到了 。
Nobody even cared about Omar’s speech for weeks after she gave it.
奥马尔发表演讲后的几周里,根本就没人在意她的演讲 。
But once Fox made it a story, it was over.
但当福克斯拿这件事借题发挥以后,他们的工作就算是白做了 。