日期:2019-05-30 18:13



Coming up next on Jonathan Bird's Blue World, Jonathan feeds the world's most dangerous shark!
Hi, I'm Jonathan Bird and welcome to my world!
Sharks are perhaps the most misunderstood animals in the ocean. In spite of the fact that people are only very rarely attacked by sharks, they suffer with a bad reputation.
While the world's largest shark, the whale shark, is known to be harmless to people because it's a filter feeder, other sharks have been known to attack people occasionally.
The Tiger shark and the White shark are two of the largest so-called "man eaters," and they have an equally large bad reputation for being extremely dangerous to people.
But what if I told you that these are not the most dangerous sharks? In fact, statistically, the most dangerous shark in the world is probably the Bull shark.
It might seem hard to believe. The Bull shark looks just like a reef shark, but a little bigger. It doesn't seem all that intimidating. So what's the big deal?
As it turns out, Bull sharks are responsible for more documented attacks on people than any other species of shark.
In 1916, there were several people killed by one or more sharks off New Jersey in the span of two weeks.
At the time, most people suspected a Great White shark. But one of the attacks occurred more than ten miles up a river, and white sharks are not known to venture that far from salt water.
It's much more likely that the attack came from a Bull shark.
The Bull shark is the only species of shark that regularly moves between salt water and fresh water. In fact, it has been caught by fishermen more than 500 miles up the Mississippi River in Illinois!
Shark attacks are rare, and most often they are believed to be a case of mistaken identity since attacks on swimmers often occur in shallow, salty water where the shark has a hard time seeing its prey.
Nonetheless, Bull sharks are considered extremely dangerous animals under some conditions.
Which is why I was so excited when my friend Jorge Loria from Phantom Divers in Playa del Carmen invited me to come film these sharks! He's hand-feeding them!
I fly on down to Mexico, landing in Cancun, then heading south to Playa del Carmen—a beach-lover's paradise, and my favorite place in the world for cenote diving!
But this time I'm not diving the cenotes. I'm heading out to a secret dive site in the ocean—hopefully filled with sharks. Big sharks.
I make my way over to Phantom Divers to meet my old buddies Jorge and Charlie.
Hey Jorge! Charlie! How ya doing? You guys ready to film some sharks?
Charlie and Jorge have been feeding Bull sharks for a few years and they give me a few tips on what to expect and the best way to film it. And of course, some safety tips!




It's very important, never lose sight of that bait. Don't have the bait and be looking this way. You have got to be looking at the bait the whole time.
Because it could be the shark comes the other way. Usually they come from the front.
My wife Christine and I head down to the beach to climb aboard the Phantom Divers boat.
Then it's off to the dive site on a beautiful sunny Mexico day!
Before long we have reached dive site and Charlie suits up in his stainless steel shark suit.
He'll drop down a few minutes before the rest of us to get the chumming started in advance. This saves us some bottom time for filming.
Now the rest of us get suited up and prepare to dive. As usual when diving with sharks, I cover up to I don't have much skin showing.
Well, let's go see some sharks!
I descend towards the bottom through crystal clear warm water and eventually end up on a sandy sea floor at a depth of 80 feet. A stingray glides past—it can smell the fish Charlie brought down.
Jorge takes over for Charlie and hand feeds a growing school of hungry mouths. I stay back a ways so I won't spook the sharks. I know it's hard to believe, but our scuba bubbles are loud and scary to sharks.
It doesn't take long for the first couple of Bull sharks to arrive, but they keep their distance, not sure what to expect from us.
A few minutes later, they approach Jorge closer to see where the yummy smell is coming from.
But they are not ready to trust him enough to take the fish from his hands.
Even the stingray has managed to procure a snack from Jorge. I'm starting to think these sharks are wimps!
At last the first shark makes her move. She takes the fish right from Jorge's hand.
The next shark actually misses the fish, and doesn't have the maneuverability to turn around and get it, so she finally gives up and goes around again.
Now that the sharks have figured out that we are not a threat, I can move a little closer to Jorge for filming, and the sharks won't mind.
Jorge's steel mesh gloves protect him from the sharks' teeth just in case his fingers get too close to their mouths.
The sharks have a voracious appetite. They keep eating until we are out of fishy snacks.
I can't help but notice are monstrous they are compared to a diver. Bull sharks might look like reef sharks, but they get a lot bigger!

  • protectvt. 保护,投保
  • eventuallyadv. 终于,最后
  • rareadj. 稀罕的,稀薄的,罕见的,珍贵的 adj. 煎得
  • sandyadj. 沙,含沙的,沙色的,不稳固的 Sandy n.
  • speciesn. (单复同)物种,种类
  • headingn. 标题,题目,航向 动词head的现在分词
  • divern. 跳水者,潜水员
  • descendv. 降,传,降临
  • occasionallyadv. 偶尔地
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟