Another war broke out in 1971.
1971年,印巴战争再次爆发 。
This time the focus wasn't in Kashmir — it was in East Pakistan.
但这次的焦点不在克什米尔,而是东巴基斯坦 。
Here, India helped rebels fight for independence and dealt Pakistan a devastating defeat.
印度在这里扶植反政府武装搞独立,将巴基斯坦打得一败涂地 。
This region became a new country, Bangladesh, and Pakistan lost its eastern half.
这个地区变成了一个新国家——孟加拉国,巴基斯坦也由此失去了在东半区域的领土 。
This made Kashmir more important than ever:
It became one of the most militarized places on Earth
as India and Pakistan deployed planes, tanks, artillery, and soldiers along the Line of Control.
把克什米尔变成了世界上军事化程度最高的地方之一 。
On the political front, in '87, India reportedly rigged an election, declaring a pro-India party as the winner.
在政治方面,据报道,印度在1987年操控选举,帮助亲印度的政党夺得了选举的胜利 。
Now this was a big turning point for many Kashmiris, who felt they were again denied the chance to vote.
这对很多克什米尔人来说都是历史性的时刻,因为他们感觉自己再次被剥夺了投票的机会 。
Thousands took to the streets in Indian-controlled Kashmir to protest the occupation.
在印控克什米尔地区,成千上万人涌上街头,抗议对该地区的占领 。
But India met the movement for independence with harsh resistance, which quickly escalated to more violence.
但印度对这场独立运动进行了残酷的镇压,导致暴力事件迅速升级 。
"In January, security forces opened fire on demonstrating separatists,
turning a two-year old struggling movement into a full-blown popular uprising.
将已经持续了两年的一场斗争变成了全民出动的民众起义 。
More than 600 people have been killed in clashes between troops and separatists."
超过600人在军队和分裂分子的冲突中丧命 。”
Kashmiri militias, like the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, started recruiting Muslim youth to fight for independence.
“查谟和克什米尔解放阵线”等克什米尔民兵组织开始招募穆斯林青年为独立而战 。
And increasingly attacked the Indian military.
他们对印度军队的袭击也越来越频繁 。
Pakistan saw an opportunity in this insurgency.
巴基斯坦在这场叛乱中看到了希望 。
They helped introduce a new kind of militant group:
Radical Islamic fighters who fought for a more pro-Pakistan Kashmir.
为亲巴基斯坦的克什米尔地区而战的伊斯兰激进战斗分子加入了这场战争 。
By the mid '90s, these groups dominated the insurgency.
到了90年代中期,这些组织已经控制住了叛乱 。
India responded with incredible military force, deploying 500,000 troops to Kashmir.
面对这一形势,印度向克什米尔部署了令人难以置信的50万兵力 。
And they cracked down on militants and protestors.
他们镇压了武装分子和抗议者 。
Unarmed civilians were killed and many more were forced to flee the violence.
手无寸铁的平民惨遭杀害,更多平民被迫逃离暴力 。
And in '98 the stakes were raised yet again.
98年,赌注再一次提高 。
"Today, India conducted three underground nuclear tests."
“今天印度进行了三次地下核试验 。”
"Pakistan today successfully conducted five nuclear tests."
“巴基斯坦今天成功进行了五次核试验 。”
Kashmir became a battleground between two nuclear-armed nations and another war broke out in 1999.
克什米尔成了两个拥有核武器的国家火拼的战场,1999年,战争再次打响 。
"More evidence of the attacks being launched on the Indian-controlled area of Kargil."
“越来越多的证据表明,袭击发生在了印度控制的卡吉尔地区 。”
"The past two days have seen some of the fiercest fighting so far."
“过去两天发生了迄今为止最为激烈的战斗 。”
"Militant Muslim fighters have also crossed over into some parts of Indian-ruled Kashmir."
“穆斯林武装分子也越境进入印控克什米尔地区 。”
The 1999 war ended with another ceasefire, but that didn't stop either country.
1999年的战争再次以停火协议告一段落,但谁也没有因此停下脚步 。
Over the years, Pakistan’s militant groups got bolder and launched terror attacks in and outside of Kashmir.
这些年来,巴基斯坦的激进组织越来越大胆,不止在克什米尔内,在克什米尔外也发动了恐怖袭击 。
In 2001, members of Lashkar-e-Taiba bombed India’s parliament building in New Delhi, killing 14 people.
2001年,虔诚军成员炸毁了印度新德里的议会大楼,造成14人死亡 。
And in 2008, 10 militants from the same group killed 174 people and wounded 300 in Mumbai.
2008年,该组织的10名激进分子在孟买杀害174人,致伤300人 。
Meanwhile, Indian military cracked down in Kashmir, firing bullets and pellets on unarmed protesters,
印度军方也在克什米尔进行镇压活动,对着手无寸铁的抗议者开枪射击 。
leaving hundreds wounded and blind.
造成数百人受伤失明 。
This is the vicious cycle of violence.
这简直就是暴力的恶性循环 。
The Indian Army’s crackdown drives some Kashmiris to join Pakistani-backed militant groups, who carry out violence against the Indian forces.
印度军方的镇压将一些克什米尔人推入了巴基斯坦撑腰的激进组织,这些组织反过来又对印度军队暴力相待 。
It’s a cycle that Kashmiri civilians are stuck in the middle of.
克什米尔平民就被困在这样的暴力循环里 。
Just because of this conflict--we're losing our young generations.
因为这场冲突,我们的年轻一代已经没有希望了 。
Because we're getting killed.
因为他们正在要我们的命 。
Every second day--we hear the news that two boys were killed, three boys were killed.
每天都能听到有两个孩子被杀,或者三个孩子被杀的消息 。
And there is anger, you know, among young generation.
年轻一代是会愤怒的,知道嘛 。
There are psychological effects of the conflict.
这场冲突对人们的心理也是有影响的 。
Everybody's facing some sort of problem in Kashmir.
克什米尔的每个人都面临着这样或那样的问题 。
Hopelessness is everywhere due to this conflict.
因为这场冲突,克什米尔到处都弥漫着绝望的情绪 。
When you snatch pens from youth--you ar forcing them to pick up guns.
当你夺走年轻一点手里的笔时,你就是在逼他们去拿武器 。
Which brings us to 2019.
这又让我们回到了2019年的自杀式炸弹袭击事件 。
The suicide bomber was 19-year old Adil Ahmed Dar from Pulwama, Kashmir.
自杀式炸弹袭击者是19岁的阿迪勒·艾哈迈德·达尔,来自克什米尔普尔瓦马 。
According to his parents, in 2016, Indian police officers stopped him and humiliated him by forcing his face into the ground.
据他父母说,2016年,印度警察拦住了他,还把他的脸压在地上羞辱他 。
The same year he was shot in the leg at a protest.
同年,他在参加抗议的时候腿又中了枪 。
The next year, Dar left home with his brothers, to join Jaish-e-Mohammed,
a Pakistani-supported militia that radicalized him and trained him to be a suicide bomber.
一个巴基斯坦支持的民兵组织,他就是在那里变得激进并被训练成一名自杀式炸弹袭击者的 。
A year later, he drove explosives into an Indian military convoy.
一年后,他开车载着炸弹袭击了印度军方的一个车队 。
For more than 70 years India and Pakistan have driven a cycle of violence, retaliation, and exploitation in Kashmir.
在过去的70多年里,印度和巴基斯坦轮流在克什米尔引发了周而复始的暴力、报复和剥削 。
But beneath it all is the Kashmiri's wish to make a choice.
但这一切的背后隐藏着克什米尔人希望能够自主选择的愿望 。
A wish that continues to be suppressed, again and again, by violence.
一个继续被暴力反复压制的愿望 。
Best way to handle the Kashmir situation is to have a dialogue.
解决克什米尔问题最好的办法就是展开对话 。
And to hold a referendum. And both of the countries are not doing anything as such.
并进行公投 。但两国都没有做这样的事情 。
In every action there's equal and opposite reaction.
他们的每一次行动,都是彼此背道而驰的行动 。
The more suppression you face--the more you rise.
压迫越厉害,反抗就会越彻底 。
I just want to get freedom--to get a right to do everything.
我只想要自由,做任何我想做的事情的权利 。
As a teenager, I have big dreams.
作为一名青少年,我也有远大的梦想 。
But as a Kashmiri, the dreams are suppressed here.
但作为一名克什米尔人,那些梦想都被压迫了 。