Every time I dance, I try to do my best and I give the most
because living in the war taught me maybe this time, it will be the last dance for you.
因为生活在战乱之中教会了我,这次说不定就是你最后一次跳舞了 。
Maybe you will be killed in a bomb or a bullet or something when you leave the studio.
说不定你离开练功房的时候,就会被炸弹或子弹之类的东西炸死 。
So every time I would give my best and live it to the most.
所以每次我都会尽我最大的努力,争取发挥最好的状态 。
Ahmad Joudeh was born in the Yarmouk Camp, a refugee camp for Palestinians in Syria.
艾哈迈德·朱代出生于雅穆克难民营,这是叙利亚境内的一个为巴勒斯坦人准备的难民营 。
Despite his tumultuous surroundings, he found escape in a hobby uncommon in his culture.
尽管周围的环境动荡不安,艾哈迈德还是在巴勒斯坦文化中并不常见的一种兴趣上找到了慰藉 。
I saw dance for the first time when I was a child-8 years old,
cause I was fascinated by their movements and by the music that they are moving on.
我被他们的动作和他们跟着舞动的音乐深深地吸引了 。
I learned how to dance through videos on YouTube,
and I was doing this every day in my room secretly
because dancing in my culture, especially for a man, it's something to be ashamed of.
因为在我的文化中,跳舞,尤其是对一个男人来说,是一件让人不耻的事情 。
My life was in danger when I was in Syria because I was a dancer
and that's because of the extremist people who came into our country
and then I start to receive all these messages or phone calls or those kind of things that telling me they want to cut my head,
and that's why I had my tattoo dance or die on my neck
这也是我为什么要在脖子上纹“要么跳,要么死”的原因 。
cause I carry my life on my neck.
因为我就把我的命系在我的脖子上了 。
And if they would've killed me,
I wanted it to be the last thing they can see from me,
so it's dance or die.
所以,“要么跳,要么死” 。
While in Syria,
Ahmad went on to receive formal dance training and would post videos of his dancing
and was eventually discovered by a documentary filmmaker from Holland who wanted to tell his story.
最终他的视频被荷兰的一位纪录片制片人发现了,于是,这位制片人就萌发了讲述艾哈迈德的故事的念头 。
The film was seen by the Dutch National Ballet, who offered him a scholarship.
纪录片又被荷兰国家芭蕾舞团看到了,舞团便为艾哈迈德提供了奖学金 。
He has since gone on to perform all over Europe.
此后,艾哈迈德一直在欧洲各地巡演 。
We are here in Kilden Theater talking about social media.
这次我们来到了基尔登剧院,要讨论的主题是社交媒体 。
In this production, I'm acting myself because social media played the most important role in saving my life in my story;
because through social media, I was seen and I was rescued.
因为就是通过社交媒体,我才被大家看到,才获救的 。
What made me keep dancing and keep on doing what am I doing even 'til today
because I believe the artist has the same duty like the soldier to fight for his country
and the artist can fight for culture and for art and for history.
艺术家可以保卫文化、保卫艺术,保卫历史 。
And if we don't have art and culture in our countries, what are we fighting for?
Away from dance, I am nothing, and I have nothing.
除了舞蹈,我谁也不是,也一无所有 。
All I have is dance, and all I am is the dancer.
我只有舞蹈,我也只是一个舞者 。
Then maybe in the far future, sometimes I see myself sitting in a chair as an old man in theater in Syria directing the Syrian National Ballet that I will find,
so I hope this dream will come true.
我希望这个梦想真的能够实现 。