September 16th, 1974. President Gerald Ford announces a conditional amnesty program for deserters and draft evaders during the Vietnam War.
1974年9月16日,杰拉尔德·福特总统宣布有条件赦免越战中的逃兵和逃兵役者 。
"I do not want to delay another day in resolving the dilemmas of the past, so that we may all get going on the pressing problems of the present."
“我不希望推迟一天解决过去的困境,这样我们才能开始着手解决现在的迫切问题 。”
1982. A massacre in Lebanon months after Israel's invasion to drive out the PLO.
1982年,为驱逐巴勒斯坦解放组织,以色列入侵黎巴嫩,数月后这里发生了一场大屠杀 。
Lebanese Christian militiamen kill hundreds of Palestinian men, women and children in two refugee camps in West Beirut.
黎巴嫩基督教民兵组织在贝鲁特西部的两个难民营中杀害了数百男女和儿童 。
The militiamen are allied with Israel which is accused of doing nothing to prevent the slaughter.
民兵组织和以色列结盟,后者被指控在阻止屠杀中毫无作为 。
Outrage over the massacre costs future Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon his job as Defense Minister.
由于大屠杀的愤怒,未来以色列总理阿里埃勒·沙龙辞去了国防部长一职 。
1498. Tomas De Torquemada, the catholic monk, notorious for his role in the Spanish Inquisition, dies in Avila, Spain.
1498年,因在西班牙宗教法庭中所扮演的角色而声名狼藉的天主教修道士托马斯·德·托尔克马达在西班牙阿维拉去世 。
1810. Mexico begins its revolt against Spanish colonial rule.
1810年,墨西哥开始反抗西班牙殖民统治 。
A catholic priest father Miguel Hidalgo declares his country's independence.
一位天主教神父米格尔·伊达尔戈宣布国家独立 。
His rebellion soon fails but Spain formally relinquishes its new world colony 11 years later.
很快他的反抗便失败了,但11年后西班牙正式放弃了它的新世界殖民地 。
1977. Maria Callas, the American born prima donna famed for her lyric soprano and fiery temperament dies in Paris. She was 53 years old.
1977年,以抒情女高音和如火的气质而出名的美籍女高音玛丽亚·卡拉斯在巴黎去世,年53岁 。
1925. Guitarist B.B. King, one of the great blues artists of all time is born in Mississippi.
1925年,世界最伟大的蓝调艺术家之一,吉他弹奏者B.B. King在密西西比出生 。
Today in history, September 16th, Camille Bohannon, the Associated Press.
以上是9月16日《历史上的今天》,美联社卡米尔·博汉农为您播报 。