That camp, led by Mr. Bolton, regarded Mr. Pompeo and his diplomats with suspicion.
Would they give away too much for too little?
Would they give in to the North Korean entreaties to loosen sanctions?
A Stanford speech by Mr. Biegun in January appeared to the hawks to be a red flag:
He suggested then that North Korea might not need to immediately hand over a complete declaration of nuclear assets, which American officials had demanded as a first step.
当时,比根表示,或许朝鲜不需要立即执行美国官员提出的首要要求——提交一份完整的核资产申报 。
But behind closed doors, Mr. Biegun and his team told the North Koreans
that giving up the aging facilities at Yongbyon was not nearly enough for such extensive sanctions relief.
仅仅放弃宁边那些老化的设施远远无法以让如此广泛的制裁得到缓解 。
At the same time, the North Korean negotiators were inconsistent about which of the facilities inside Yongbyon they were offering to dismantle —
at one point saying that only Kim Jong-un could decide.
还一度表示只有金正恩才能决定 。
The negotiating teams were still deadlocked even as Mr. Kim boarded a train for a two-day journey to Vietnam and Mr. Trump took off on Air Force One.
就在金正恩登上火车,特朗普也登上空军一号前往越南时,谈判团队也还陷在僵局里 。
The American team thought their North Korean counterparts would warn Mr. Kim that the demand to lift the five sanctions was a non-starter,
so the two leaders would work on hashing something else out during the summit meeting.
因此,两位领导人将在峰会期间讨论其他问题 。
But soon after the two men arrived at the Metropole,
the North Korean leader began arguing for relief from the five rounds of sanctions in exchange for Yongbyon.
朝鲜领导人就开始呼吁解除对朝鲜的五轮制裁,作为拆除宁边核设施的条件 。
While North Korea had suspended operations at Yongbyon under agreements in 1994 and again in 2007,
and later offered various moratoriums that were never fully executed,
Mr. Kim’s proposal appeared to go further than ever toward dismantling the entirety of the complex, officials said.
官员们表示,金正恩这次的提议似乎比以往任何时候都更倾向于拆除整个园区 。
But the exact terms were still vague.
但具体的条款仍不明确 。
Mr. Trump countered with the grand bargain.
特朗普则用“大妥协”对金的提议予以了反击 。
The divide was underscored by the fact that, at one point, he presented Mr. Kim with a document laying out his definition of denuclearization.
两人的分歧也因特朗普曾给金正恩递了一份文件,阐述了他对无核化的定义一事显得更为明显 。
Mr. Kim objected that there was not enough trust between the two countries to give up everything at once.
金正恩反对说,两国之间缺乏足够的信任,不能一下子放弃一切 。
At a rare news conference shortly after midnight on Thursday,
Mr. Ri argued that his country mostly needed “security guarantees” related to American military forces on the peninsula,
and portrayed the sanctions-for-Yongbyon trade as a step to build trust.
对宁边的贸易制裁描述为建立信任的一步 。
In the end, Mr. Trump flew back to Washington with nothing —
no agreement on a peace declaration, and no ban on producing more nuclear fuel —
meaning the North’s arsenal will keep expanding while the two sides argue.
这也意味着,双方继续争论的同时,朝鲜会继续扩大其核武库 。
There were only promises to keep talking.
双方只做出了继续谈判的承诺 。
On Friday, as Mr. Trump woke up in the White House after his grueling trip,
the long wooden table that had been moved into a meeting room of the Metropole Hotel for the signing ceremony still sat there, unused.
那张为签署仪式而搬到大都会酒店会议室的长木桌还放在那里,闲置着 。
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1. give in to sb. 屈服于
He was disabled from birth, but he never felt frustrated, nor did he give in to any difficulty.
他生来就有残疾,但他从不沮丧,也从未屈服于任何困难 。
2. not nearly enough 远远不足以
Gregg says the cuts are not nearly enough to offset the huge cost of new initiatives requested by the president.
格雷说财政的削减远远不足以抵消总统新提议所需要的巨额开销 。
3. hash (something) out 具体讨论
If we cannot hash out this problem by Thursday, I'll have to cancel our proposal.
如果我们无法在星期四前把问题谈妥,我就得取消本公司的提案 。
4. in exchange for 交换
The trade unions bargained away their rights in exchange for a small pay rise.
工会不惜牺牲自己的权利以换取微薄的加薪 。