But for more than a year, Mr. Trump shut down efforts at diplomacy.
但有一年多的时间,特朗普都停止了外交方面的努力 。
When Rex Tillerson, the secretary of state at the time, told reporters during a visit to Beijing that “we have a couple, three channels open to Pyongyang,”
Mr. Trump lashed out, declaring on Twitter that “only one thing will work” and casting his own secretary of state as naive.
特朗普蒂勒森此举进行了猛烈抨击,他在推特上宣称,“只有一种办法管用”,还说他自己的国务卿不懂事 。
Mr. Tillerson fumed and was later ousted.
蒂勒森勃然大怒,后来就被赶下台了 。
Early in 2018, though, Mr. Trump suddenly changed course — along the lines Mr. Tillerson had advocated.
然而,在2018年初,特朗普突然改变路线——拥护起了蒂勒森主张的立场 。
To the shock of Mr. Trump’s own advisers,
he accepted on the spot when envoys sent by South Korea’s president, Moon Jae-in, passed on an invitation to meet Mr. Kim.
韩国总统文在寅派出的特使发出与金正恩会面的邀请时,他当场就接受了邀请 。
After that first summit meeting in Singapore in June, the talk of hostilities ended.
今年6月在新加坡举行第一次首脑会议结束后,颇具敌对意味的谈判就结束了 。
Mr. Trump declared Mr. Kim an honorable partner —
gliding past the murder of his half brother, his uncle and an American student in North Korea, Otto Warmbier —
and promised to improve relations and suspend military exercises around Korea.
还承诺会改善两国关系,并推迟安排在朝鲜周边举行的军事演习 。
There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea,”
Mr. Trump declared on Twitter, despite the absence of any timetable for denuclearization.
特朗普在推特上宣布,尽管他并没有给出任何无核化时间表 。
Some of his aides, starting with Mr. Bolton, the new national security adviser, were appalled.
他的一些助手,从新任国家安全顾问博尔顿开始,对此感到十分震惊 。
But with Mr. Trump repeating that he should be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, no one wanted to argue.
不过,由于特朗普一再强调他应该获得诺贝尔和平奖,也就没有人愿意争辩了 。
Mr. Bolton told colleagues not to worry.
博尔顿告诉他的同事不要担心 。
"The negotiations," he said, "would collapse on their own."
"那些谈判,"他说,“自己就会崩溃” 。
There were signs of trouble from the start.
谈判一开始就有不会顺利的迹象 。
Mr. Pompeo flew to Pyongyang in early July to turn the Singapore discussion into a timetable for the North to produce an inventory of weapons, the first step toward disarmament,
but Mr. Kim declined to see him.
但金正恩拒绝与他见面 。
Instead, Mr. Pompeo met with Kim Yong-chol, a former spy chief with hard-line views on the United States.
庞培转而去见了对美国持强硬立场的前情报局长金永哲 。
After the visit, the North said the Americans had pushed a “unilateral and gangster-like demand for denuclearization.”
访问结束后,朝鲜表示,美国提出了一个“单边的,强盗式的无核化要求” 。
But it also said Kim Jong-un still wanted to build on the “friendly relationship and trust” with Mr. Trump.
但朝方也表示,金正恩仍希望能深化同特朗普的“友好关系及信任” 。
The message was clear: A real breakthrough was only possible if the two leaders got together again.
这一局面传递的信息很明确:只有两国领导人再次会晤,谈判才有可能取得真正的突破 。
The North Koreans seemed to believe Mr. Kim could get a better deal from Mr. Trump than they could from his State Department negotiators.
朝鲜似乎认为,金正恩能从特朗普那里争取到比他们从国务院谈判代表那里要到的更好的条件 。
Then in August, Mr. Trump abruptly canceled a trip by Mr. Pompeo to Pyongyang, saying there had not been enough progress in the talks.
8月,特朗普突然取消了庞培对平壤的访问,称会谈没有取得足够的进展 。
This stymied the new special envoy, Stephen E. Biegun, who had planned to accompany Mr. Pompeo.
他的这一举动阻碍了原计划陪同庞培的新任特使斯蒂芬·E.比根的工作 。
Meanwhile, diplomacy between South Korea and North Korea was progressing quickly.
与此同时,韩国同朝鲜之间的外交关系进展迅速 。
Mr. Moon and Mr. Kim had already met twice before the Singapore summit, and in September, Mr. Moon made a historic visit to Pyongyang.
新加坡峰会之前,文在寅,金正恩两人就已经见过两次面了 。今年9月,文在寅还对平壤进行了历史性的访问 。
The result was the Pyongyang Declaration, which outlined a peace process for the peninsula — and dangled a potential concession by North Korea.
访问促成了《平壤宣言》,宣言绘制了朝鲜半岛和平进程的大致轮廓——以朝鲜可能做出的让步为诱惑 。
The North, it said, would agree to dismantle the Yongbyon complex if the United States took “corresponding measures.”
宣言里写道,如果美国采取“相应措施”,朝鲜将同意拆除宁边的核设施 。
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1. lash out 痛斥
Are your insecurities driving you to lash out at others?
2. to the shock of someone 令某人大为震惊
Sometimes she went so far as to roll on the ground, to the shock of all people around.
有时候她甚至会在地上打滚,周围的人对此都很吃惊 。
3. on the spot 当场
I bet the Soviet brass stood that poor guy up against one of those burned out aircraft and shot him on the spot!
4. be only possible if 只有……才……
He said that a deal was only possible if it is signed by all three leaders, Mr. Mugabe, Mr. Tsvangirai, and himself.
穆坦巴拉说,只有在穆加贝、茨万吉拉伊和他本人都签署才可能达成协议 。
