Looming over all of this action will be the border wall fight.
边境墙之争将会笼罩着所有这些行动 。
Mr. Trump is threatening to shut down the government again in less than three weeks if Congress cannot reach a deal that provides him money for a wall along the southwestern border,
and Democrats and Republicans will enter formal negotiations this week to see if they can reach a compromise on border-security funding levels and what constitutes a “wall.”
民主党和共和党本周将开始正式谈判,看他们是否能在边境安全资金水平和“墙”的构成上达成共识 。
“If you’re the president of the United States, and you know that you have to defend the nation, do you want to shut the government down? No,”
Mick Mulvaney, the White House chief of staff, said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.
白宫幕僚长米克·马尔瓦尼在接受哥伦比亚广播公司《面对国家》节目采访时说到 。
“Do you want to declare a national emergency? No. But you do need and want to defend the nation.”
“你还会想宣布国家进入紧急状态吗?不会 。但你确实需要,也确实会想要保卫这个国家 。”
But with much of the early negotiating likely to take place behind closed doors,
both parties seem to agree that after weeks of a near total shutdown eclipse, Congress needs to move on.
双方似乎都觉得,在经历了数周近乎彻底的停摆之后,国会需要继续前进了 。
They hope that some regular order can help heal the bruises left by the impasse.
他们希望某种常规的秩序能够帮助治愈僵局留下的创伤 。
“Border security and immigration issues are important, and we should deal with them,
but we can deal with several important issues at the same time,” said Senator Susan Collins, Republican of Maine.
但我们是可以同时处理多个重要问题的,”缅因州共和党参议员苏珊·柯林斯说 。
“We can’t put the rest of the business of government on hold while these issues, important though they are, are resolved.”
“我们不能在解决这些问题(尽管它们的确很重要)的同时搁置政府的其他事务 。”
For House Democrats, the return to normal governance provides a window
to reclaim some of the attention the shutdown drained from the initial rollout of their legislative agenda.
重新获得他们最初提出立法议程时获得的,后来被政府停摆逐渐榨干的关注度的窗口 。
House Democratic leaders had insisted when they took control early this month
that the shutdown would not affect their carefully choreographed agenda rollout.
政府停摆不会影响到他们精心安排的议程的上线 。
But it did.
但结果还是影响到了 。
Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California and her allies plan to hold a ceremony on Wednesday to formally reintroduce the Paycheck Fairness Act,
a measure intended to equalize pay between men and women that Democrats have tried to enact for 20 years.
该法案旨在实现男女薪酬平等,而民主党近20年来一直在试图通过这样的一项法案 。
Like other bills under consideration in the House, it is unlikely to be taken up by the Republican-controlled Senate,
but it is a key piece of Democrats’ messaging to voters ahead of the 2020 elections.
但它仍然是民主党在2020年大选前向选民传达的一个关键讯息 。
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1. loom over 被……所困扰
All that said, three big uncertainties loom over the Rice State Department.
总的看来,赖斯的国务院面临三大不确定因素 。
2. behind closed doors 秘密地
Are decisions about the community discussed and made out in the open or behind closed doors?
3. put on hold 被搁置
Meanwhile, the expected meeting of minds between America's newly invigorated trustbusters and Europe's also seems to have been put on hold.
与此同时,刚刚受到鼓舞的美国反垄断官员们与欧洲同行的预期会晤似乎也已经被搁置了 。
4. be taken up by 被……采纳
The proposal is most likely to be taken up by highly selective institutions, which turn away thousands of qualified candidates a year.
这项提议最有可能会被名校采纳 。这些院校每年都要将数千具备资格的报考生拒之门外 。