The UN and the WHO also found that these chemicals are potentially a cause of cancer for the residents in these areas.
联合国和世界卫生组织还发现,这些化学物质可能导致这些地区居民染上癌症 。
So in 2015, the Colombian government suspended the chemical dumping strategy.
因此,2015年的时候,哥伦比亚政府暂停使用喷洒化学药品这一战略 。
So now they’re looking for new solutions.
所以,现在他们要寻找新的解决方案 。
And last year they implemented something called the crop substitution program,
where the government is going to pay one million pesos per month, which is like $327,
to any farmer who eradicates their coca crop on their own and starts growing a legal crop, like oranges or pineapple or yuca.
给任何一个主动消灭古柯作物并开始种植合法的作物,比如橘子、菠萝或尤卡的农民 。
After a very bumpy ride, I made it to a community that used to be an epicenter for coca production.
经过一段非常颠簸的路之后,我来到了一个社区,这里曾经是集中种植加工古柯的点 。
But last year, they signed up for this crop substitution program.
不过,去年他们已经签署了作物替代计划 。
All the farmers in the community signed a pact that they would willingly transition to a legal crop.
社区所有的农民都签了协议,表明自愿往种植合法作物过渡 。
During my conversations, the farmers kept throwing math problems my way.
在和我聊天时,他们却不断算起了数学问题 。
These farmers live and die by prices.
因为价格决定了这些农民的生死 。
Prices of farm supplies, prices of seeds, prices of transportation and of course, the price that they can sell their crop for.
农产品的价格,种子的价格,运输的价格,当然,还有他们出售农作物时能卖出的价格 。
Keep in mind that where I am is a place that is almost completely absent of any central government presence.
请记住,我所在的地方是一个几乎完全感受不到中央政府存在的地方 。
There aren’t good roads, security, reliable markets.
这里既没有舒适的道路,良好的治安,也没有可靠的市场 。
And so when you start to do the math of all the costs associated with growing something else,
it just doesn’t add up, which is why coca thrives out here.
直接的加减运算是不行的,这也是为什么古柯种植能在这里如火如荼的原因 。
As this farming community tries to survive outside the cocaine economy,
they’re experiencing what it feels like to be just another rural community, cut off from Colombia’s mainstream economies.
他们又走上了与哥伦比亚主流经济隔绝的另一个农村社区的道路 。
The government might may be able to pay these farmers to get rid of their coca,
but without roads, markets, banks, and connections to the rest of the country,
these new economies will not take root.
新经济根本没办法在这里扎根 。
So now think back to that family whose shed the police burned down earlier.
所以,请回想一下之前那个被警察烧掉了房子的家庭 。
They live an hour’s helicopter ride from any town.
从他们住的地方坐直升机去任何城镇都要坐一小时 。
So they don’t really have any other economic options beyond coca, which is really the only commodity they can transport to a market.
所以,除了古柯,这其实是他们唯一能运输到市场去的商品,事实上他们根本就没有其他选择 。
Though I did find one family that represents a success story for the crop substitution program.
虽然我确实找到了一个代表了作物替代计划成功了的家庭 。
They mainly grow passion fruit.
他们现在种的主要是百香果 。
But they also grow corn, yuca, tomatoes, peppers, and raise animals.
除此之外,也种玉米、尤卡、西红柿、辣椒,还养了些牲畜 。
Passion fruit juice, incredible.
百香果果汁,简直好喝到爆 。
They switched from coca last year after an entire lifetime of growing it.
种了一辈子的古柯,去年他们终于不再种植这种作物了 。
And it’s gone really well for them.
他们过渡得很顺利 。
But you’ll notice that this family has a huge plot of land.
但你也会注意到,这个家庭的地很大 。
Most of the farmers out here don’t have that big plot of land.
而这里的大多数农民都没有这么多的地 。
And they don’t have the ability to cultivate so many crops to replace their coca.
也没有能力种植这么多作物来替代他们的古柯 。
So as of now, all of these solutions continue to be bandaids. Dumping roundup on these fields, manually eradicating, even the crop substitution.
所以,到目前为止,所有这些解决方案,往这些地里喷除草剂啊,或者人工拔古柯树苗啦,甚至是用其他作物替代古柯的办法还只能算是一时之计 。
The only lasting solution will come when the government invests in connecting these communities to the rest of the country,
so that legal economies can actually take root here.
让合法经济能在这里扎下根 。
That’s going to take time and money,
but until the government does this long, slow work,
farmers will continue to find a way to participate in the only economy that pays.
这里的农民还是会继续想办法参与到唯一能给他们带来回报的经济中去 。