The other migrant child from Guatemala, Jakelin Caal Maquin, died this month in United States custody in New Mexico.
另一名来自危地马拉的移民儿童杰奎琳·卡奥·麦昆本月也在美国新墨西哥州的拘留所里离开了人世 。
Border Patrol said Jakelin had died from dehydration,
but her father, Nery Gilberto Caal Cruz, disputed that assertion,
said he “made sure she was fed and had sufficient water.”
说他“确认给了她而且她也喝了足够的水” 。
While details about the boy’s death are scant
there is no evidence so far that conditions in detention were the cause,
the proximity of the two children’s deaths is already renewing debate about the Trump administration’s immigration policies.
Medical professionals and advocates said on Tuesday
that a second death of a child at the border highlighted the risks of keeping vulnerable children
in what they called overcrowded, often cold facilities known as “hieleras,” Spanish for ice boxes.
他们所谓的过度拥挤,通常又十分寒冷的冰箱子,用西班牙语说就是“hieleras”,的关押设施中会有很大的风险 。
Children are not supposed to remain in the facilities for more than 72 hours.
儿童被关在里面的时间原本不应超过72小时 。
“These facilities are no place for a child, even a well child,” said Marsha Griffin,
a pediatrician on the Texas-Mexico border and the co-chairwoman of the American Academy of Pediatrics’s special interest group on immigrant health.
她是德克萨斯-墨西哥边境的一名儿科医生,同时也是美国儿科学会移民健康特别利益团体的联名主席 。
“The conditions in which these children are being held are truly shocking,” said Dr. Griffin,
“这些关押儿童的设施的环境确实令人震惊,”格里芬医生说 。
who said that children who fall ill are not receiving adequate care.
生病的儿童在那里也没有得到足够的照顾 。
“It’s cold, and they are susceptible to influenza and dehydration.”
“里面很冷,他们很容易染上流感或脱水 。”
Kevin K. McAleenan, the commissioner of Customs and Border Protection,
said in July that the facilities were built in the 1980s and ’90s to temporarily house migrant adults, not families and children.
七月份时说过,那些设施建于上世纪八九十年代,目的是暂时收容成年移民而不是移民家庭或儿童 。
“They were built for single adults,” he said.
“它们是为单身的成年人设计的,”他说 。
“Think of it like a police station, like short-term detention before they’re turned over to a jail or a longer-term facility.
“你可以把它想象成一个警察局,他们被移交监狱或长期看守中心之前那种对他们进行短期拘留的地方 。”
In immigration, it’s ICE.
换作移民问题就是移民及海关执法局 。
They were not built to handle families and children.”
它们不是为了处理家庭和孩子而建造的 。
After being apprehended by border agents, children pass through processing facilities,
some of which provide limited medical screening for scabies, lice and chickenpox,
according to a report released in May 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
美国儿科学会2017年5月发布的一份报告显示 。
It said that complete medical histories and physical examinations are not conducted.
该报告还说,那些中心既没有对他们的病史进行全面的了解,也没有提供全面的体检 。
译文由可可原创,仅供学习交流使用,未经许可请勿转载 。
1. die from 死于……
In chatting, he told me that his father died from a work-related injury, his mother was deeply sad.
在聊天中,他告诉我他的父亲因为工伤去世了,为此他妈妈极度伤心 。
2. there is no evidence that 没有证据表明
Police believe this could be a separate shootings incidents, there is no evidence that this incident related to terrorism.
警方相信,这起枪击案可能是一起独立事件,目前没有证据表明这起事件与恐怖主义有关 。
3. the risks of doing sth. ……的风险
He went on to say: "I would be shirking my responsibilities if I did not explain to you the risks of failing to do so. "
他接着说道:“如果不向你们解释未能尽快制定计划的风险,那就是我的失职 。”
4. be supposed to 应该
The tall man held out a hand. I gazed at it, not sure what I was supposed to do.
那个高大的男人伸出一只手 。我呆呆地盯着它,不知道该怎么做 。