In terms of illustration, there's a Russian illustrator named Ivan Bilibin, I think that's how you pronounce it.
说到插画,俄罗斯有个插画家叫伊万·比利宾,应该是这么念的吧 。
He lived in the 1800s.
他生活在19世纪 。
But if you were to look at his stuff, you'd see the connection between his stuff and my stuff.
但如果你看过他的作品,你会发现我俩的作品其实是相通的 。
There's a lot of the flat color, but there's also a lot of detail.
我们都会用到很多单色,但也有很多细节 。
It looks so modern that when you find out this guy lived in the 1800s you'd just be amazed.
但他的画看着非常现代,所以当你发现这家伙是19世纪的人时你会大吃一惊 。
I love Norman Rockwell, Maxfield Parrish, he's another influence.
我还喜欢诺曼·洛克威尔, 还有马克斯菲尔德.帕里什,他是另一个影响了我的创作的画家 。
Drew Struzan, he did all the Back To The Future Posters.
德鲁·斯特鲁赞,《回到未来》的海报都是他画的 。
David Mazzucchelli: he illustrated Batman: Year One and some Daredevil comics, really amazing work.
大卫.马祖凯利:《蝙蝠侠:元年》和《超胆侠》的部分插图就是他配的,画的是相当了得啊 。
My biggest inspiration for my current style for the MS Paint work is the illustrator Hergé.
说到我目前的MS Paint画风,最主要的灵感来源应该是插画师艾尔热 。
He created the Tin Tin comic book series.
《丁丁历险记》系列漫画的作者 。
He was a Belgian comic book illustrator.
他是比利时的一位漫画书插图画家 。
It wasn't even a conscious thing that I wanted my stuff to look like his.
画成他那种风格甚至都不是我故意要那么画的 。
I guess they call the style "Ligne Claire” — it means clear line style, you don't do any shading with the line art.
他们对这种风格的叫法好像是“利涅清晰的线”——意思就是“清晰的线条风格”,就是不使用线条工具来绘制阴影效果 。
It's just all solid lines, it's a very clean image, and then you do all the shading with coloring.
所有的线条都是实线,这样画出来的图是非常干净的,然后用着色来做所有的阴影效果 。
"The program kind of dictated it, I always did like that style.
“这个软件应用的差不多也是这个原理,我一直都是这么画的 。”
It looked how it looked in my head originally or it looked even better.
用这个软件画出来的差不多就是我最初在脑海里构想出来的样子,甚至更好 。
From there I go straight into coloring.
这个环节完了之后我就直接开始上色 。
With coloring, I use mostly either the paint can where you just press it and it fills in a huge area.
在上色方面,我主要用油漆桶工具,点一下就能填充一大片区域 。
Between that and the eraser is where I shade it, usually holding, like I said, the right click on the eraser.
上色的区域和用橡皮擦擦除区域之间是我涂阴影的地方,就像我说的,用右键按住橡皮擦直接涂抹就可以了 。
It's usually just creating very simple gradients.
它通常只能创建非常简单的渐变效果 。
That's how I always prove to people that it actually is Paint.
我通常也是靠这个效果向大家表明我用的软件是MS Paint的 。
Just zoom in on those gradients and you can see.
放大那些渐变的地方,就能看出这一点 。
It's very uneven, you know, it's kind of messy when you zoom into it.
边界的地方其实是非常不平滑的,看见没,所以放大图像之后就会觉得有点凌乱 。
But there really isn't that much mystery to the coloring process.
但上色的过程其实并没有那么神秘 。
I try not to use too many different colors.
我会尽量不使用过多颜色 。
I always start off by thinking, where is the light source, where is it coming from.
我一般都会先想再画,比如光源在哪里,光是从哪边来的 。
I use two versions of Paint.
我会在这个软件的两个版本之间换着用 。
For the line art I use the old version and for the coloring I use the latest version, or I guess the last version.
画线条用旧的版本,上色用最新版本,但也可能是上一个版本 。
I always wanted to see a horror movie set at a summer camp,
because even with twelve or so Friday the 13th movies, I never thought there was a good one.
因为《黑色星期五》都已经拍了差不多12部了,但我还是觉得都不是很好 。
I couldn't get the idea of the summer camp out of my head, and it kinda grew
until I was creating a history for it, and weird traditions, and from there it kind of just kept going.
直到我开始为它创作历史,创作怪异的传统,此后,我的创作也在一直往前走 。
To create the shading, it's just a matter of creating a very simple gradient.
要创建阴影,只需要创建一个非常简单的渐变就可以了 。
Say if it's a skintone, if it's a white person, it'll be a peach color.
比方说肤色,如果角色是白人的话,就只需要绘制跟桃色差不多颜色的渐变就可以了 。
And from there I just make it a little darker, color that shaded part in with the paint can,
and then repeat that process with a darker version of that color to make the shadows deeper.
然后选一个更深一点的颜色,重复这个步骤,给阴影加深 。
It's very easy for me to kind of to zone out when I do it, that's why I say Paint is like meditation for me.
这个时候我很容易走神的,这就是为什么我说绘画对我而言就跟冥想差不多的缘故 。
I don't really meditate, but it's the closest I come to meditating.
我没有冥想的习惯,但这是我最接近冥想状态的时刻 。
People online, say on like Reddit or other sites, they always say ‘Oh you can do this in Paint, you can work in Photoshop.”
网友,比如Reddit或其他网站上的网友,总是说“对了,用MS Paint你可以画成这样,那你也可以用Photoshop画啊 。”
What they don't understand is I really enjoy Paint and I've never enjoyed those other programs.
他们不知道的是,我真的很喜欢用MS Paint画画,我也从来没喜欢过用其他软件 。”
That's like my favorite time.
用MS Paint画画可以说是我享受的时刻 。
Nothing's bothering me, I'm not thinking about the outside world, it's a very enjoyable time.
没有什么事情打扰我,也不去想外面的世界,真的非常享受 。