Actors, artists, rockstars and writers have the ability to touch us on not only a personal scale but a global scale as well.
演员、艺术家、摇滚明星和作家都有触及我们内心及世界的能力 。
We see these people on TV and on our bookshelves, in the movie theaters and in the grocery stores. But what makes them so special? Creativity.
我们在电视和电影院欣赏他们的表演,在书架和商店里看见他们的作品 。是什么让他们如此特别?是创造力 。
Creative people rule the world whether it's being media icons or designing the sleek new products we see in use every day.
有创造力的人掌控世界,不论是在影视界还是在日常产品设计界 。
We love creative people and we want to know all their secrets.
我们喜欢拥有创造力的人,我们想知道他们所有的秘密 。
If you want to produce music like Kanye or paint like Picasso, here are 10 psychological tips from creative people.
如果你想像卡内一样制作音乐或是像毕加索一样绘画,以下是来自创造型人群的10个心理学技巧 。
1. Integrate art.
1. 融入艺术 。
Creative people are very vocal about the importance of exposing oneself to art.
拥有创造力的人很清楚将自己暴露于艺术之中的重要性 。
By integrating art into your life, your brain starts to reflect on it.
将艺术融入生活,你的大脑开始对艺术有反应 。
This trains you to look for meaning, messages, metaphor and other important information everywhere.
Another benefit to looking at art is that you gain inspiration for your own art.
观察艺术的另一个好处是可以为自己的艺术收获灵感 。
Although watching music videos might not seem beneficial, it can give you the many ideas to work from.
虽然看音乐短片似乎没那么有益,但也可以给你很多想法 。
2. Ask questions.
2. 问问题 。
Creative people ask a lot of questions what ifs and whys create a climate of curiosity.
有创造力的人会问很多如何怎样以及为什么的问题,营造出了一种求知的氛围 。
It's through this curiosity that creative people are able to make connections, gather information and develop opinions.
通过这种求知欲,创造型的人能够建立联系、收集信息并提出建议 。
Go ahead, ask more questions and watch the creative ideas flow.
去吧,多问问题并观察那些有创造性的想法 。
3. Work with your productivity.
3. 和效率合作 。
Most people get stuck in a routine but is this the routine that's most effective for you?
Creative people know when their most productive and they work with it not against themselves.
有创造力的人知道他们何时最高效,他们和效率合作而非与自己对抗 。
By embracing the schedules their bodies want to follow they're able to increase their productivity.
通过接受那些他们的身体想要遵循的日常安排,他们能够更加高效 。
You might even find you'll get more leisure time out of it too.
或许你甚至还会发现自己的空闲时间更多了 。
Did you know that how you get your energy can also affect your creativity?
Check out this video to find out why the most creative people tend to be both introverted and extroverted.
4. Express your ideas.
4. 表达自己的想法 。
Even if they seem silly at first, creative people follow their ideas.
即便这些想法似乎很蠢,创造型的人会追随自己的想法 。
They don't judge a piece until after it's complete or after it's been discussed.
他们不会去评判某个想法,除非对这个想法进行过讨论 。
The more you express your ideas, the easier you'll have access to them too.
你所表达出的想法越多,就越容易得到更多想法 。
In the future, ideas will come more naturally and she'll be quick on the draw for any brainstorming sessions at work.
将来这些想法将越来越多,并且在头脑风暴时想法也会很快蹦出来 。
5. Go on adventures.
5. 进行冒险 。
You miss out on life if you don't go on adventures and see the world.
如果你不去冒险看看世界,你会错失生命中的机会 。
Creative people embrace the new they love different experiences and sensations
because thrill-seeking allows them to explore and create possibilities for themselves and others.
因为寻求刺激让他们为自己的和别人探索创造可能 。
Being open is such an important factor. Creativity has to be free in order to sustain, not boxed up and shut away.
对这么重要的因素,请持开放的态度 。创造力是自由的,为了维系创造力,不要把它困在盒子里藏起来 。
6. Be an observer.
6. 做一个观察者 。
It's important to also step back and observe the adventures you have.
退后观察你经历过的冒险也很重要 。
Observers get to take in everything and through that receptivity they develop unique and rich opinions.
观察者会接受一切事物,通过这种接受能力,他们形成了独特丰富的观点 。
Observe your surroundings in everyday life too.
在日常生活中,观察你周围的一切 。
There's plenty of opportunities in the world only through observation do we find them though.
世界上有很多机遇,只有通过观察才能找到它们 。
7. Practice mindfulness.
7. 练习正念 。
Mindfulness might sound like a buzzword nowadays but it's actually really good for you.
正念听起来是个潮词,但是其实这对你是有好处的 。
When you're being mindful of yourself in the world around you, you can bring more positive energy and common to your life.
当你关注自己的时候,你可以为自己的生活注入更多正能量 。
Honesty becomes easier so does breaking old unwanted habits.
诚实变得容易,摒弃以前那些讨厌的习惯也更容易 。
Mindfulness also helps you achieve a greater attunement to yourself,
which means you'll be able to play your strengths more.
这意味着你可以扬长避短 。
8. Embrace risk.
8. 接受冒险 。
Risk is the driving force of a creative person and it gets great results.
冒险是创造型人群的推动力,并会得到很好的结果 。
Often people who risk a lot fail a lot too. However, the more desensitized a person gets to failing, the more they're willing to risk.
通常冒险的人也会失败 。但是失败的次数越多,他们就越愿意去冒险 。
This gives them the courage to explore their ideas and express the things they want to say.
这给了他们勇气去探索自己想法并表达他们所想 。
Creative people learned this long ago and embrace the risk equals reward scale.
有创造型的人很久之前就学会了这一点并接受冒险 。
9. Daydream.
9. 白日做梦 。
Just because you're not on task doesn't mean your brain is inactive.
无法专注并不代表你的脑袋不够活跃 。
By daydreaming, you're engaging different parts of your consciousness while letting your subconscious deal with the real problems.
通过白日做梦参与到意识中的不同部分,让自己的潜意识处理现实问题 。
Daydreaming is also a great way to come up with creative ideas and situations that you might not otherwise give yourself permission to think about.
白日做梦也是一个很好的方法,能够让你想出那些你绝不允许自己去考虑的想法和情况 。
It's like going on an adventure but in your mind.
就像是进行一次冒险,不过是在脑海中的冒险 。
10. Create.
10.创造 。
When you get right down to it, creative people create.
创造型的人会创造 。
They create experimental work, successful work and a lot of failed work but they keep going.
他们创造实验性工作、成功的工作以及很多失败的工作,但是他们一直在继续 。
They know that the only way to go farther in their work is to create more of that work and that's a lesson we all can learn.
他们知道要走得更远,创造是唯一的方法,而我们可以向他们学习 。
The more we do the farther we'll go. Who knows, maybe you'll be the next research scientist making big breakthroughs and saving lives.
做的越多,走的更远 。谁知道呢,说不定你就是下一个做出重大突破拯救生命的研究科学家 。
So what are you waiting for? Take the risk. Which tips help you be the most creative?
所以还等什么呢?直面风险 。哪一条能帮助你更有创造力呢?
Please share your thoughts with us below. Also, don't forget to subscribe for more content from Psych2go and check out our patreon.
请在下方和我们分享你的想法 。还有不要忘记订阅我们的频道观看更多内容 。
We started it because we want to go into a bigger platform that reaches more people who were in need of help.
我们开设patreon账号是因为我们想成为一个更大的平台为更多需要的人提供帮助 。
With your contribution, you can receive our psi pendant, t-shirt issues of our magazine and many more membership benefits.
有了大家的参与,大家可以收获我们的吊坠、T恤、杂志和更多会员福利 。
Your funding will help us produce quality script writing, voicers and animation that makes our content both entertaining and educational.
大家的资助将帮助我们制作更高质量的文本、旁白和动画,让我们的内容既有趣又有教育意义 。
We want to make sure our community members get the best and only the best. Thanks for watching!
我们想为社区成员提供最好的 。感谢收看!