This is BBC World News, the headlines.
Investigators in the U.S. believe some of the pipe bombs sent to prominent critics of Donald Trump were posted from Florida.
They're concentrating their inquiries on a sorting office near Miami.
Police say ten suspicious packages have now been identified.
At least 18 people had been killed in a flash flood near Jordan's Dead Sea.
Most of the fatalities were students and teachers traveling in a school bus that was swept away.
多数遇难者都是老师和学生 他们旅游乘坐的校车被洪水卷走
Emergency service's rescued more than 30 people.
Japan and China have signed a series of agreements bringing Asia's two largest economies closer together.
中国和日本签署了一系列协议 使亚洲两个最大的经济体联系更为紧密
Shinzo Abe a is the first Japanese Prime Minister to visit Beijing in seven years.
Google says it's sacked nearly 50 employees over sexual harassment allegations in the past two years.
谷歌称其过去两年来 因性骚扰指控解雇了近50名员工
The tech giant was responding to reports the one executive received a 90 million dollar exit package despite credible claims of sexual harassment against him.
这家科技巨头公司回应的是下列报道:一名管理人员遭到了可靠的性骚扰指控 但依然得到了9000万美元的辞职补贴