Do you ever wonder why some high school or college dropouts make it big out there, but valedictorians rarely make history?
Intelligence is something that isn't always easily spotted.
聪明才智并不是可以轻易发觉的 。
Sometimes, it means more than simply getting an A on a test, or receiving your diploma.
有时这不仅仅意味着考试拿高分或是获得学位证书 。
There's a difference between being a life-long learner, and jumping through the academic hoops just to get by in life.
成为终身学习者和跳出学术圈勉强过活之间还是不同的 。
Wondering where you fall with your abilities? Here are five signs you're highly intelligent.
想知道你的能力是什么么?以下是你拥有高智商的五种迹象 。
1. You're not afraid to ask questions.
1. 不怕问问题 。
Smart people rarely just follow the status quo without questioning it.
聪明人很少安于现状不敢质问 。
In fact, it's usually those who don't want to think, that they do what they're told because asking the why requires extra brain power.
事实上,通常那些不想思考的人,他们按部就班,因为问问题需要额外的脑力 。
But if you've got a rebellious streak to you, and you're curious about the world you live in,
then you might be smarter than you actually think you are!
Unfortunately, not every workplace or classroom nurtures this idea.
但不是每家公司或学校都鼓励这种想法 。
In fact, some leaders enjoy feeling in control by leading those who know less than them.
一些领导者通过领导那些学术不如他们的人来获取掌控感 。
Don't fall in this trap, and embrace your inquisitive nature.
不要陷入这种圈套,拥抱自己的好奇本性 。
2. You tend to be self-critical.
2. 易于自我批评 。
Narcissists like to project their own reality onto others and don't feel remorse when they lie to others about how good they are at something.
自恋的人喜欢将自己的现状归罪于他人,当他们谎称自己有多擅长某件事时,他们不会感到懊悔 。
But intelligent people know how to acknowledge their own faults, flaws, and weaknesses.
但时高智商的人知道如何承认自己的错误、缺陷和弱点 。
Instead of trying to impress others with their abilities,
intelligent people can be quite humble and critique themselves, often looking for ways to self-improve.
相反他们相当谦逊,还会批判自己,经常寻找自我提升的方法 。
3. You love projects!
Do you like reading up DIY ideas, watching videos on new recipes, or enjoy repairing your home?
People who are intelligent, love to keep busy.
高智商的人停不下来 。
They rarely call it a day after they clock out from work and enjoy immersing themselves with fun activities that boost their knowledge.
下班了他们也闲不下来,他们沉浸于有趣的活动中增长自己的学识 。
Just like going to the gym for a physical workout, smart people need their daily brain exercise.
比如去健身房运动,聪明的人需要每天锻炼大脑 。
Whether it means learning a new language, taking dance lessons,
or attending art classes intelligent people know how to fill up their schedules and minds.
还是去艺术班,高智商人群知道如何充实自己的计划和内心 。
4. You're messy.
4. 看起来有点乱 。
This is definitely one I can relate to. Do you have a messy room or workplace?
这一点我绝对符合 。你的房间或办公室乱么?
Turns out there's more going on than just clutter.
其实这不仅仅代表凌乱 。
According to a study published in Psychological Science by the University of Minnesota,
48 participants were asked to come up with unusual uses for a ping pong ball.
要求48名参与者想出乒乓球的不同用途 。
The 24 individuals working in neat rooms came up with less creative responses than those who worked in messy rooms.
24 名房间整洁的参与者的创造性想法没有那些在凌乱房间工作的人多 。
So the next time your mom scolds you for not making your bed, let her know it's hurting your creativity.
所以下一次,你妈责备你不收拾床时,你可以告诉她这会影响到你的创造性 。
5. You don't think that you're smart.
5. 觉得自己并不聪明 。
This is called the Dunning Kruger Effect, in which people with low level of competence tend to overestimate their ability.
这被称为邓宁-克鲁格效应,能力低的人喜欢高估自己的能力 。
Whereas, highly competent individuals tend to sell themselves short. Why is this?
而能力高的人易于低估自己 。为什么会这样?
Intelligent people realize just how much room there is to improve and they're never satisfied with their current knowledge level.
高智商的人意识到自己有很多提升的空间,他们从不满足于现在的知识水平 。
Always hungry for more information, their brain appetite grows with each new set of skills they pick up.
他们总是渴望更多知识,他们的大脑会消化每个新学的技能 。
Do you resonate with these signs? Please share your thoughts with us below.
你对这些迹象有共鸣么?请在下方评论告知 。
Remember, intelligence doesn't have to be limited, unless you allow it. Everyone has the ability to grow.
记住高智商没有限制 。每个人都有成长的能力 。
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