Voice 1: Doctors operate to remove the donor heart. They inject a chemical containing potassium into the heart. This stops the heart from beating. Then they put the heart in ice. This helps to keep the heart in a good condition. But they can only keep it this way for four to six hours. After this they cannot use the organ.
声音1:医生通过手术摘除捐献心脏 。他们向捐献心脏注射一种含有钾的化学物质 。这种物质可以阻止心脏跳动 。然后他们将心脏放入冰块中 。这有助于使心脏保持良好的状态 。但是这种方法只在四到六个小时以内有效 。如果超过这个时间,那心脏就不能用了 。
Voice 2: It is difficult to link donor hearts and patients together. Sometimes it is not possible to do so in such a short space of time. For example, the donor may be a long distance away. So the donor heart goes to waste - it cannot be used. But in the future doctors may be able to keep hearts in a good condition for longer than six hours. This would help them greatly. This is thanks to research from scientists at Papworth Hospital in Cambridge, England. They have invented a new method of protecting donor hearts.
声音2:很难将供体心脏与患者联系起来 。有时不可能在很短的时间内做到 。举例来说,捐赠者可能相隔很远 。供体心脏可能会白白浪费掉,无法进行移植 。但是未来,医生也许可以使心脏保持良好状态的时间超过6个小时 。这会对他们有极大的帮助 。而这要感谢英国剑桥帕普沃斯医院的科学家进行的研究 。他们发明了一种保护供体心脏的新方法 。