Voice 1: The memorial service lasted for one hour. The final song was a special one. It is called 'I Vow to Thee My Country' - I promise to be true to my country. This song was played years before at her marriage.
声音1:这场追思会进行了一个小时 。最后一首歌非常特别 。这首歌名为《我宣誓向祖国效忠》——我承诺忠于祖国 。多年以前,该歌曲曾在戴安娜的婚礼上播放过 。
Voice 2: Prince Harry said that Diana made so many people happy. But why do so many people still remember Diana with such love? Maybe it was because of her kindness and gentle way. Maybe it was because she seemed to care so much for powerless people.
声音2:哈里王子表示,戴安娜令许多人感到快乐 。为什么那么多人至今仍用这种爱缅怀她?也许是因为她的善良和温柔 。也许是因为她非常关心弱势群体 。
Voice 1: Diana was involved with over one-hundred and fifty aid organizations during her life. Included in this group were the National AIDS Trust that works with HIV and AIDS sufferers, and the Leprosy Mission, which treats sufferers of the disease leprosy.
声音1:戴安娜一生中参与了超过150个援助组织 。其中包括关注艾滋病病毒携带者和艾滋病患者的英国国家艾滋病信托基金会以及为麻风病患者提供治疗的麻风病协会 。