How to health-hack the holidays for health?
The holidays are a time to let loose.
假期是用来放松的 。
You return to the comfort of your family home, put on a big pair of pants, and eat until those pants get tight.
你回到舒适的家中,穿上宽松的裤子大快朵颐,直到那些裤子变紧为止 。
But studies show that Americans gain a pound on average over the holidays.
然而,研究表明,美国人假期平均会胖0.9斤 。
That may not sound like much, except they don't lose it the next year, which means that over a lifetime, all those holiday indulgences really add up.
听起来可能并不是很多,不过这些肉来年并不会减下去,这也就意味着,一生中所有假期的放纵会导致你越来越胖 。
Now, thanks to modern behavioral scientist Brian Wansink, you can use these tips and tricks to eat less without even trying.
如今,多亏了现代行为科学家布莱恩·万辛克,大家才可有机会力用下面这些提示和技巧,不花费任何力气,也能控制住食量 。
Step 1. Avoid serving dinner family style at all costs.
第一步,不惜一切代价避免准备家庭式晚餐 。
Wansink found that people who served from their stove or counter ate 19% less food to those serving themselves right off the table.
万辛克发现,那些直接在灶台边儿或柜台边儿吃饭的人要比在餐桌上吃饭的人少吃19%的食物 。
If you must eat family style, he suggests keeping lids and covers on bowls to make getting seconds and thirds a little more difficult.
如果你一定要和家人一起用餐,他建议给碗盖上盖子,从而增加添菜添饭的难度 。
Step 2. Trick yourself into choosing healthy options.
第二步,训练自己选择健康的食品 。
Did you know you're three times more likely to eat the first food you see than the 5th one, according to Wansink?
So put salads and vegetables first.
所以,请大家上菜的时候先上沙拉和蔬菜 。
Step 3. Destroy all evil, short, fat glasses and replace them with tall, slender glasses.
第三步,砸碎所有邪恶的大圆杯,换成细长的高脚杯 。
Look at these two glasses.
看看这两款杯子 。
We tend to pour about 32% more into the one on the left than the one on the right, even though both glasses hold the same amount of liquid.
我们往左边的杯子倒的酒往往比右边的多出32%,虽然两个杯子的容积一样 。
This could help stop you from pouring on those pounds.
这个办法也能防止你多喝掉那部分酒 。
Step 4. Carefully coordinate plates to be the opposite color of your food.
第四步,仔细用颜色与食物颜色相反的盘子盛食物 。
In one study, Wansink gave students either a red or a white plate and allowed them to serve themselves either red marinara pasta or white alfredo pasta.
在一次研究中,万辛克给了学生红色或白色的盘子,让他们自己选红色的海员沙司意面或者白色的白汁意面 。
The students who put white pasta on a white plate, or a red pasta on a red plate ate 18% more than those with opposite color plates or foods.
用白色盘子吃白色意面,或者用红色盘子吃红色意面的学生吃下去的量要比盘子和食物颜色相反的学生多18% 。
Step 5. Excise the evil large plates from your house and replace them with tiny plates.
第五步,撤掉家里邪恶的大餐盘改用小餐盘 。
It turns out that life is just a game of perspectives.
事实证明,生活只是一场视角游戏 。
So a 3oz portion of turkey will look big on a 10 inch plate, but relatively small on a 12 inch plate.
3盎司的火鸡放在10英寸的餐盘里就会显得很大,而放在12英寸的盘子上就会显得很小 。
And finally, Step 6. Wrap your unhealthy leftovers in aluminum foil and healthy leftovers in plastic and glass.
最后是第六步,不健康的剩菜剩饭用铝箔包,健康的剩菜剩饭用塑料盒或玻璃盒装 。
Wansink found that food obscured by aluminum foil is hard to see and less likely to get eaten.
万辛克发现,用铝箔包的食物很难看到,被吃的可能性会更小 。
Happy Holidays, and happy health-hacking.
最后,祝大家假期快乐,祝大家假期健康 。